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QC and product screening of ink and paint with NIRS

27. nov. 2023


We encounter ink and paint on a daily basis. These materials are used for writing and printing, protection against the elements, aesthetic reasons, and so much more. Our historical record exists in large part due to these substances. How are paints and inks manufactured and what quality control (QC) measures are taken? This blog article covers a brief history of this industry, the manufacturing process, and how near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) can be used as a multi-parameter QC solution.

What is the difference between paint and ink?

Paint is a substance applied as a liquid or paste that dries into a solid coating. This coating protects and/or adds color to the object or surface to which it has been applied. 

Ink is a pigment- or dye-based fluid used for writing, printing, etc.

Origins and brief historical overview of ink and paint

Click on the arrows below to learn more about the origins and history of these two materials.