
Daniel Pereira, Senior Scientist Regulatory Affairs at Hovione and Lynx Waclaski, Product Manager Ion Chromatography (IC) at Metrohm USA, explore why ion chromatography can be the analytical tool of choice to meet authorities' requirements and in defining effective strategies to comply with these regulations.

USP-standardized analyses with ion chromatography

key visual, IC, ion chromatography, automation, vial, sample vessel 11 mL, liquid handling, LHQ, 940 Professional IC Vario, 2.940.2500, 858 Professional Sample Processor, 2.858.0020, sample rack, lab, person, dosino, dosing unit, 6.2743.050

The United States Pharmacopeia (USP) has updated and modernized existing monographs across all compendia to include ion chromatography (IC) methods for pharmaceutical assays and for the analysis of impurities and excipients.

Metrohm can help you with validating a method, modernizing or converting methods (titration or HPLC to IC), implementing column equivalency, and searching for USP-compliant Metrohm applications.

Find more information as well as webinars, white papers, and application notes here:

Bring your USP methods up to date

Why Metrohm Ion Chromatography?

key visual, IC, ion chromatography, automation, MISP, metrohm inline sample preparation, inline ultrafiltration, UF, ultrafiltration cell 2, 6.02729.110, lab, person, filtration, membrane, 6.2714.020

This webinar presents ion chromatography as a sensitive and selective technique for monitoring ionic and polar impurities. A variety of detectors and columns are available to best suit your application.

Metrohm IC systems can be automated and extended with Metrohm Inline Sample Preparation techniques, such as Inline Ultrafiltration, Inline Dilution, or Inline Matrix Elimination, as well as injection techniques, such as Partial Loop Injection. As discussed in the webinar, automation and inline sample preparation improve the efficiency of your IC system, reduce human errors, and ensure a longer lifetime of the column, leading to lower costs.

Metrohm ion chromatography instruments are:

  • Robust: We grant a 3-year warranty on our Swiss-made instruments and a 10-year warranty on the anion suppressor.
  • Compliant: GLP compliance and data integrity, security, and traceability as per FDA 21 CFR Part 11, ALCOA, and ALCOA+.
  • Easy to maintain and service: We are present in 40 countries with subsidiaries and in more than other 40 countries with exclusive partners.

Learn more about our ion chromatographs