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2060 Platform

2060 Platform

The robust and reliable modular analyzer platform for ultimate flexibility in customized process monitoring.


The 2060 platform enables customized online monitoring of industrial processes with multiple parameters and streams. The platform consists of the most versatile analyzers in the Metrohm Process Analytics product portfolio. With a variety of techniques, the analyzers enable 24/7 online monitoring of critical chemical parameters in industrial processes and wastewater streams.

  • Modular flexibility to up to four cabinets
  • Implementation of multiple analysis techniques to cover countless applications
  • Industrial enclosures for harsh process environments
  • Intuitive software designed to efficiently program and control the analyzers with various analysis applications (e.g., tiamo, MagIC Net, OMNIS, Vision, etc.)

Brochure: 2060 TI Process Analyzer (8.000.5465, PDF, 1 MB)

Brochure: 2060 IC Process Analyzer (8.000.5350, PDF, 12 MB)

Brochure: 2060 The NIR Analyzer (8.000.5415, PDF, 2 MB)

Brochure: 2060 Raman Analyzer (8.000.5477, PDF, 2.8 MB)

Brochure: 2060 Human Interface (8.000.5368, PDF, 7MB)


Boost process productivity by monitoring different parts of a process at the same time

Metrohm Process Analytics, 2060 Process Analyzer, chemical industry, Flexibility, Modularity, online analysis, process analyzer systems, petrochemical refinery

The new flexible layout of the 2060 Process Analyzers allows numerous combinations of multiple analysis modules for multiparameter measurements on multiple streams.

Metrohm Process Analyzers are well known for their modular configuration concept, we have now taken that flexibility one step further. The Metrohm 2060 Process Analyzers not only offer modularity within one cabinet, but also can contain up to four cabinets to create one single analyzer platform. The multi cabinet configuration allows maximum flexibility to solve complex process monitoring challenges that contribute to sophisticated plant automation and higher productivity of the process.

Avoid unforeseen plant shutdowns with a reliable process analyzer

Regular control of process parameters is critical to meet product and process specifications and to achieve optimal product quality and consistency in any industry. By providing data in «real-time» to the industrial control system (e.g. DCS or PLC), downtimes are reduced, and costly company assets are safeguarded.

The 2060 platform by Metrohm Process Analytics helps you to achieve that. Thanks to the variety of process communication protocols built-in with the 2060 Human Interface (e.g., Modbus or Discrete I/O), process data can be communicated in «real-time» to any industrial control system or directly to external devices and is accessible 24/7.

Learn more about the 2060 Human Interface


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Options and upgrades

Comprehensive options for sample conditioning

Metrohm Process Analytics can engineer and supply virtually any “unit operation” for sample conditioning and can provide a complete working solution for most industrial processes.

Besides the chemical analysis, sample preparation, conditioning and location of the analyzer are deciding factors for the success of online and atline analysis. We can provide a full solution for almost any application, an analyzer in combination with sample preparation or even a complete turnkey package with a shelter, piping, wiring, and interfacing. This allows for a seamless startup and integration of the analyzer on-site.

Learn more about sampling conditioning systems for process analysis

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From ammonia in saturated brine and fertilizers to zinc mining and purification –we've done it all. Our Applications Book gives a broad overview of applications sold in the past 40+ years to the process industry. With more than 10,000 process analyzers installed globally, you can be sure to find a solution to your challenge inside.

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