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2060 Platform

2060 Platform

The robust and reliable modular analyzer platform for ultimate flexibility in customized process monitoring.

The 2060 platform enables customized online monitoring of industrial processes with multiple parameters and streams. The platform consists of the most versatile analyzers in the Metrohm Process Analytics product portfolio. With a variety of techniques, the analyzers enable 24/7 online monitoring of critical chemical parameters in industrial processes and wastewater streams.

  • Modular flexibility to up to four cabinets
  • Implementation of multiple analysis techniques to cover countless applications
  • Industrial enclosures for harsh process environments
  • Intuitive software designed to efficiently program and control the analyzers with various analysis applications (e.g., tiamo, MagIC Net, OMNIS, Vision, etc.)

Brochure: 2060 TI Process Analyzer (8.000.5465, PDF, 1 MB)

Brochure: 2060 IC Process Analyzer (8.000.5350, PDF, 12 MB)

Brochure: 2060 The NIR Analyzer (8.000.5415, PDF, 2 MB)

Brochure: 2060 Raman Analyzer (8.000.5477, PDF, 2.8 MB)

Brochure: 2060 Human Interface (8.000.5368, PDF, 7MB)

Boost process productivity by monitoring different parts of a process at the same time

Metrohm Process Analytics, 2060 Process Analyzer, chemical industry, Flexibility, Modularity, online analysis, process analyzer systems, petrochemical refinery

The new flexible layout of the 2060 Process Analyzers allows numerous combinations of multiple analysis modules for multiparameter measurements on multiple streams.

Metrohm Process Analyzers are well known for their modular configuration concept, we have now taken that flexibility one step further. The Metrohm 2060 Process Analyzers not only offer modularity within one cabinet, but also can contain up to four cabinets to create one single analyzer platform. The multi cabinet configuration allows maximum flexibility to solve complex process monitoring challenges that contribute to sophisticated plant automation and higher productivity of the process.

Avoid unforeseen plant shutdowns with a reliable process analyzer

Regular control of process parameters is critical to meet product and process specifications and to achieve optimal product quality and consistency in any industry. By providing data in «real-time» to the industrial control system (e.g. DCS or PLC), downtimes are reduced, and costly company assets are safeguarded.

The 2060 platform by Metrohm Process Analytics helps you to achieve that. Thanks to the variety of process communication protocols built-in with the 2060 Human Interface (e.g., Modbus or Discrete I/O), process data can be communicated in «real-time» to any industrial control system or directly to external devices and is accessible 24/7.

Learn more about the 2060 Human Interface

Protect valuable company assets by ensuring analysis data around the clock

Multiple parameters need to be constantly monitored in different industries to guarantee an efficient process. In the power plant industry for example, constant monitoring of corrosive ions is essential to prevent costly production delays, unsuccessful maintenance, and unnecessary shutdowns, ensuring the manufacturing of quality products, and avoiding the deterioration of company assets (e.g., turbines, membranes, pipes) which could cause accidents at the plant.

Using a process analyzer from our 2060 platform allows plant operators to better manage, prevent, and mitigate the risk of downtimes throughout an industrial process. Our 2060 Process Analyzers can determine several parameters in parallel in one analysis in almost real time, therefore preventing errors before they arise.

Furthermore, Metrohm Process Analytics is always on the leading edge. The 2060 platform is available for different analytical techniques to cover different applications – the 2060 TI Process Analyzer for wet chemistry analysis, the 2060 IC Process Analyzer for ion chromatography analysis, the 2060 The NIR Analyzer for near-infrared analysis, and the 2060 Raman Analyzer for Raman analysis.

Improve overall plant safety by less human exposure to the process

From high pressures and temperatures to hazardous chemicals and gaseous vapors, human interaction with these environments should be minimized or avoided as much as possible. Therefore, using an online or inline solution is preferred as manual sampling is eliminated and fully automated with operator's intervention at a minimum.

The 2060 platform is the perfect solution to this problem. These analyzers can be placed at different parts of the process where extreme conditions prevent the presence of process operators due to safety concerns.

Avoid overdosing of chemicals by online process analysis

Trade fair background poster for the petrochemistry branch as a high-resolution TIFF file

Proficient production control is always desirable by any plant operator, and integrating process analyzers into the process is the way to achieve that.

By providing data in «real-time» to the industrial control system (e.g. DCS or PLC), downtimes are reduced, chemical dosings are optimized, and costly company assets are safeguarded.

In the surface finishing industry for example, plating bath chemicals cover a huge cost. Thus, it is extremely important to improve chemical dosing to reduce run costs as much as possible while still providing maximum quality. Why? Well, if the baths are being overdosed with bath chemicals, it causes the company to use more chemicals than necessary which can increase their overall operational costs. On the other hand, if the baths are being underdosed, then they may be saving money on bath chemicals, but the final products may be of poor quality or defective, increasing at the end operational costs as well.

The 2060 platform can monitor, record, analyze, and document all the important analytical parameters of the chemical baths at the same time 24/7. The combination of the analytical methods within one system as well as the intuitive handling via the well-arranged user interface ensure easy and reliable monitoring of the entire process. Additionally, our 2060 platform offers improved accuracy and precision because «real-time» measurements prevent sample degradation, human error, contamination, and loss of volatile components.

Modularity for countless combinations

Process analyzer for potentiometric, photometric, and thermometric wet chemical analysis

Metrohm Process Analyzers are well known for their modular configuration concept, and this analyzer is not the exception. Whether you need to monitor chemical parameters in a single stream or in several streams, the 2035 Process Analyzer is designed to become an integral part of any sophisticated plant automation.

Each analyzer is set up according to the user’s specific requirements using modular parts and modules that are needed for the analysis to be carried out in only one cabinet. This flexible layout also allows for a combination of several analysis modules for multiparameter measurements on multiple streams.

Learn more about the 2035 Process Analyzer here

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