Accessory Finder
Raman Video Micro-Sampling System (785 nm)Video microscope sampling system for use with B&W Tek's lab and industrial Raman probes. Includes a 20x objective at a working distance of 16 mm. Offers manual rough and fine adjustment on the X, Y, and Z-axes, coaxial LED illuminator for target alignment, video camera for sample observation, and is compatible with standard microscope objectives. Probe not included, available separately. 785 nm configuration.BAC151C-785
μStat Cable connector for Screen-Printed ElectrodesConnects any DropSens equipment with DropSens Screen-Printed Electrodes
Carbon Nanofibres SolutionCarbon Nanofibres Solution produced via the catalytic carbon vapour deposition process. The manufacturing processes provide a highly graphitized material without amorphous carbon – Available in 1.0 mL and 5.0 mL.
Metrohm Hyphenated EC-Raman Battery SolutionAn Autolab modular PGSTAT302N with an Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) module installed and a B&W Tek i-Raman Plus 532 H System are the foundation of this system. Depending on your cell size and design you can add either a B&W Tek Raman Video Micro-Sampling System (532 nm), or the B&W Tek Raman Probe Holder.Get ready to track age-induced structural changes, electrolyte decomposition, and solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) formation with your EC-Raman Battery Solution.It is easy to get started, see instant results, all with an instrument you can upgrade as your research progresses.• Two editable hyphenated EC-Raman procedures for the NOVA software as well as the BWSpec software for extended data analysis.• An electrochemical workstation with high accuracy EIS.• Future-proof your research with the ability to add up to 7 additional modules post-installation.Choose, depending on your cell size, either a B&W Tek Raman Video Microsampling System (532 nm), or the B&W Tek Raman Probe Holder. B&W Tek Raman Video Microsampling System (532 nm) can accommodate cells up 30 mm high.B&W Tek Raman Probe Holder can accommodate large battery-dedicated EC-Raman cells.
Flow Cell for Screen-Printed ElectrodesMethacrylate wall-jet Flow-Cell for FIA. Suitable to be used with standard format Screen-Printed Electrodes with the electrochemical cell in the middle of the strip. Closing system with powerful magnets Fittings included.
μStat Cable connector for Dual Screen-Printed ElectrodesConnects any DropSens equipment with DropSens Dual Screen-Printed Electrodes
Raman Probe HolderProbe holder for use with B&W Tek's lab-grade Raman probes. Provides manual coarse and fine XYZ adjustments.
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Quality is part of our Swiss DNA: Our instruments are manufactured to the highest quality standards.
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