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The Importance of Relative Intensity Correction of Raman Data and How to Utilize it for i-Raman Series Portable Raman Instruments in BWSpec Software


An important aspect of collecting Raman data to make it comparable across instruments is correcting for the spectrometer’s relative intensity, since the relative response for each Raman spectrometer is unique. Standard reference materials (SRMs) are optical glasses that emit a broadband luminescence spectrum when illuminated with a Raman laser at a specific wavelength. This spectrum is applied as the spectral-intensity response correction for a specific instrument, to remove instrumental artefacts. The standard software for i-Raman series portable instruments, BWSpec, has functions for applying this instrument-specific correction. This technical note explains the relative intensity correction, and how to apply it using BWSpec software.


Metrohm Polska

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05-816 Opacz-Kolonia
