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Determination of mercury at the rotating gold electrode by anodic stripping voltammetry


This Application Bulletin describes the determination of mercury by anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV) at the rotating gold electrode. With a deposition time of 90 s, the calibration curve is linear from 0.4 to 15 μg/L; the limit of quantification is 0.4 μg/L.

The method has primarily been drawn up for investigating water samples. After appropriate digestion, the determination of mercury is possible even in samples with a high load of organic substances (wastewater, food and semi-luxuries, biological fluids, pharmaceuticals).


Metrohm Nordic AS

Sandviksveien 26
1363 Høvik


Finn Applikasjoner
Begrenset søket ditt(643)

Denne applikasjonen er merket under

// Food – dairy// Water – seawater// Water – process water// Water – drinking water, tap water// Food – plant sources// Food – animal sources// Water – power plant water// Beverages – nonalcoholic// Pharmaceutical solutions// Water – wastewater// Water – others// Food – liquid food, functional food