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History of Metrohm IC – Part 3

14. 9. 2020


Tento článek je Díl 3 série.

Part 3 of this series on the history of ion chromatography development at Metrohm focuses on the near past, from the mid 2000's until a few years ago. Here, sequential suppression was introduced, making analysis even more sensitive with the removal of baseline disturbances from the chromatogram. In the rest of this blog post, I cover the 4th and 5th instrument generations, presenting professional, flexible, intelligent ion chromatography from Metrohm to the world.

An IC system so smart that it can make logical decisions on its own? For example, diluting samples automatically, if the concentration of your target analyte is too high and results would fall outside the calibrated range?

Dr. Markus Läubli

Dr. Markus Läubli,

R&D Ion Chromatography v Metrohm AG

This is exactly what the 850 Professional IC and MagIC Net™ software can do. In fact, our Professional IC system takes care of the liquid handling & sample preparation with hardly any work required from the user!

Dr. Andrea Wille

Dr. Andrea Wille,

Manager Competence Center Ion Chromatography v Metrohm AG