- 410000006-BLow-frequency Raman spectroscopy
Raman spectroscopy is an advantageous analytical tool that allows for the measurement of molecular structure and identifying chemical composition of materials based on the rotational and vibrational modes of a molecule. With advanced technology and an optimized optical design, the B&W Tek BAC102 series E-grade probe can access lower frequency modes down to 65 cm-1, providing key information for applications in protein characterization, polymorph detection, and identification, along with material phase and structure determination.
- 8.000.6048Fully automated determination of fluoride in blood samples
Sodium fluoride is used as a preservative in biological samples for alcohol analysis. All submitted blood samples, including those taken from vehicle drivers suspected of driving under the influence of liquor, have to be tested for adequate preservation prior to alcohol determination by gas chromatography. This is critical to ensure adequate sample preservation. Inadequate sample preservation may allow glycolysis and/or microorganism growth to produce ethanol.In the past this has been done by direct potentiometric measurement using a fluoride-selective electrode (F ISE), an ion meter and certified NaF standards. The sodium fluoride level was determined manually by dipping the electrode directly into the blood sample. Results were recorded manually. This poster describes two independent automated methods of analysis that allow the minimization of this tedious and time-consuming procedure.In the first one, the fluoride content in a blood aliquot is measured by direct potentiometric measurement after the addition of TISAB and deionized water. The second method employs the titration of the sample aliquot with La(NO3)3 after adding a buffer solution.
- 8.000.6057Simultaneous determination of gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) and gamma-butyrolactone (GBL) in beverages
Psychoactive gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) and its prodrug gamma-butyrolactone (GBL) are substances that are increasingly abused as date-rape and recreational (party) drugs. Since the non-controlled GBL converts into the illicit GHB both in-vivo and in-vitro, their legal distinction is of crucial importance.For the forensic determination of illegally added GHB and GBL in commonly consumed beverages, this work presents a simple and sensitive method that employs direct-injection ion chromatography combined with spectrophotometric detection. The method allows to trace GHB-GLB interconversion, whether in vivo or in vitro lactone cleavage or intramolecular GHB esterification, and thus complies with pertinent requirements of law enforcement agencies.
- 8.000.6063Post-column chemistry for improved optical absorption detection
UV/VIS detection is one of the most sensitive detection techniques in trace-level chromatography. Sometimes, however, spectrophotometric detection lacks sensitivity, selectivity or reproducibility and chemical derivatizations are required. By using Metrohm`s rugged and versatile flow-through reactor, single- or multi-step derivatizations can be done fully automatically, in either pre- or post-column mode at any temperature between 25…120 °C. The variable reactor geometry allows to adjust the reactor residence time of the reactants according to derivatization kinetics. The flexibility of the reactor is demonstrated by optimizing four widespread post-column techniques: the relatively slow ninhydrin reaction with amino acids and the fast derivatizations of silicate, bromate and chromate(VI).
- 8.000.6111Fully Automated Determination of pH Using Flow Cell Technology
A high throughput automated system was developed to determine pH of culture media using a pH module equipped with an external flow cell. A custom septum-piercing, vented needle was developed to accommodate the shape and size of the customer sample vials. For this application, both accurate and precise pH measurements were required. The data presented in this document was collected by a customer as a part of their validation process and was provided for use with their consent.
- AB-204Oxidation stability of oils and fats – Rancimat method
The Rancimat method is an accelerated ageing test. Air is conducted through the sample in the reaction vessel at a constantly increased temperature. The fatty acids are oxidized during this process. Volatile secondary reaction products are formed at the end of the test that are conducted by air flow into a measuring vessel, where they are absorbed by a measuring solution (distilled water). The continually recorded electrical conductivity increases as a result of the absorption of the ionic reaction products. The time up to which the secondary reaction products arise is called the induction time. It characterizes the oxidation stability of oils and fats.This Application Bulletin provides a detailed description of the method, in particular also of the required sample preparation.
- AB-213Determination of nicotinamide by polarography
This Application Bulletins describes the determination of nicotinamide (vitamin PP), a vitamin of the B series. Instructions for the determination in solutions (e.g. fruit juice), vitamin capsules and multivitamin tablets are given. The linearity range of the determination is also specified. The limit of detection is approximately 50 μg/L nicotinamide.
- AB-215Determination of folic acid by polarography
This Application Bulletin describes the polarographic determination of folic acid, a vitamin of the B series, also known as vitamin B9 or vitamin BC. Instructions for the determination in solutions (e.g. fruit juice), vitamin capsules and multivitamin tablets are given. The linear range of the determination is also specified. The limit of detection is approx. 75 µg/L folic acid.
- AB-218Determination of thiamine (vitamin B1) by polarography
This Application Bulletins describes the polarographic determination of thiamine (vitamin B1). The procedure allows an analysis in monovitamin preparations. The linear range of the determination is also given. The limit of detection is approx. 50 µg/L thiamine.
- AB-219Determination of riboflavin (vitamin B2) by polarography
This Application Bulletin describes the polarographic determination of riboflavin (vitamin B2). The procedure allows an analysis in monovitamin preparations. The limit of determination is approx. 100 μg/L.
- AB-220Determination of platinum and rhodium in the ultratrace range by adsorptive stripping voltammetry
This Application Bulletin describes …
- AB-304Titration of whole blood and blood plasma for acid-base analysis according to Joergensen and Stirum
The presented Application Bulletin describes the apparatus and methods that are used for acid-base analysis of whole blood and blood plasma by Joergensen and Stirum. Evaluation of the measured data is performed with a software sold by Komstar AG.
- AN-C-113Determination of lysine and standard cations in a lysine sample
Determination of lysine as well as sodium, ammonium, potassium, and calcium in bulk lysine using cation chromatography with direct conductivity detection.
- AN-COR-014Corrosion Inhibitor Efficiency Measurement in Turbulent Flow Conditions with the Autolab Rotating Cylinder Electrode (RCE), According to ASTM G185
The rotating cylinder electrode (RCE) is a technique used in corrosion research to simulate in a laboratory environment the turbulent flow which usually occurs when liquids are transported through pipelines. The RCE is used to generate a turbulent flow at the surface of a sample, simulating the pipe flow conditions. Experiments that involve an RCE are regulated by the ASTM G185 standard. In this application note, The RCE with a 1018 carbon steel cylinder sample was used with the linear polarization (LP) measurement technique.
- AN-COR-016Cyclic Potentiodynamic Polarization Measurements as per ASTM G61
The ASTM standard G61 is used to determine the susceptibility to localize corrosion on various alloys of iron, nickel and cobalt, in a chlorine environment. This application notes shows a measurement example in accordance with the ASTM G61 by using a Metrohm Autolab PGSTAT302N and a Metrohm Autolab 1 L corrosion cell.
- AN-EC-002Reference electrodes and their usage
A reference electrode has a stable and well-defined electrochemical potential (at constant temperature), against which the applied or measured potentials in an electrochemical cell are referred. A good reference electrode is therefore stable and non-polarizable. In other words, the potential of such an electrode will remain stable in the used environment and also upon the passage of a small current. This application note lists the most used reference electrodes, together with their range of use.
- AN-EIS-005Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) Part 5 – Parameter Estimation
In the application note AN-EIS-004 on equivalent circuit models, an overview of the different circuit elements that are used to build an equivalent circuit model was given. After identifying a suitable model for the system under investigation, the next step in the data analysis is estimation of the model parameters. This is done by the non-linear regression of the model to the data. Most impedance systems come with a data-fitting program. In this application note, the way NOVA is uses to fit the data is shown.
- AN-EIS-006Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) Part 6 – Measuring raw signals in EIS
In this application note, the advantage of recording the raw time domain data for each individual frequency during an electrochemical impedance measurement is described.
- AN-EIS-007EIS Data fitting – How to obtain good starting values of equivalent circuit elements
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is a powerful technique which provides information about the processes occurring at the electrode-electrolyte interface. The data collected with EIS are modeled with a suitable electrical equivalent circuit. The fitting procedure will change the values of the parameters until the mathematical function matches the experimental data within a certain margin of error. In this Application Note, some suggestions are given in order to get acceptable initial parameters and to perform an accurate fitting.
- AN-FC-001Fuel cells part 1 – what is a fuel cell?
A fuel cell is an electrochemical energy conversion device that produces electricity and heat by electrochemically combining a fuel (typically hydrogen) and an oxidant (typically oxygen). The higher efficiency also results in much lower carbon dioxide emissions and negligible amounts of SOx and NOx (when reformed fuel is used) compared with fossil fuel-based technologies for the same power output.
- AN-FC-002Fuel cells part 2 – types of fuel cells
To overcome the various technical problems, many different fuel cell types have been developed. In this Application Note, proton exchange membrane, direct methanol and solid oxide fuel cells are discussed in more detail.
- AN-FC-003Fuel cells part 3 – characterization using EIS
In this Application Note the use of Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) for the characterisation of PEM fuel will be demonstrated. It will be shown that EIS is a powerful diagnostic tool for the determination of the following factors that can influence the performance of a PEM fuel cell.
- AN-FC-005Impedance measurements on fuel cells and fuel cell stacks at high currents: Part 2 – Autolab in combination with an electronic load
The use of impedance measurements on fuel cells under load makes it possible to study the influence of the different fuel cell elements on the behavior and (if detectable) on the ageing of the fuel cell. To perform high current density measurements, the Autolab systems can be connected to a third party electronic load. This extends the measurable range of the instrument by several current decades.
- AN-FET-001Characterization and performance studies of field-effect transistors (FETs) using μStat-i 400
In recent years, field-effect transistors (FETs) have become more commonly used as a sensing platform for a multitude of electrochemical and biological applications. These devices are promising bioelectronic transducers that allow both low-potential operation and stable potentiometric measurements. FETs are now seen as an attractive alternative to using conventional electrochemical detection systems in the scientific community. This Application Note gives in-depth guidance about how to operate Metrohm DropSens bipotentiostat devices for the characterization of FETs and their use as transducers. A single μStat-i 400 device, a small and portable bipotentiostat and galvanostat, is used to demonstrate the experiments.
- AN-FLU-002Understanding the mechanism of a bioassay indicator by fluorescence
Alamar Blue is monitored with fluorescence spectroelectrochemistry during its irreversible reduction to resorufin and further reversible reduction to dihydroresorufin.
- AN-H-015Determination of acetic anhydride in acylation mixtures
Determination of acetic anhydride in the presence of acetic acid in acylation mixtures.
- AN-N-051Acetate, chloride, citrate, and sulfate in a concentrate of an infusion solution containing amino acids and dipeptides
Determination of acetate, chloride, citrate, and sulfate in a concentrate of an infusion solution using anion chromatography with direct conductivity detection. Non-suppressed IC is used to avoid interferences by the amino acids.
- AN-NIR-019Human stool analysis by near-infrared spectroscopy
This Application describes the determination of moisture, nitrogen, and fat in stool samples using near-infrared spectroscopy. These parameters are of great importance in medical diagnostics.
- AN-NIR-044Multiparameter Quality Control of Palm Oil with NIR Spectroscopy
Determination of key quality parameters of palm oil, namely free fatty acids (FFA), iodine value (IV), moisture content, deterioration of bleachability index (DOBI), and carotene require the use of several different analytical methods, which are laborious and can lack in accuracy. This application note demonstrates that the XDS RapidLiquid Analyzer operating in the visible and near infrared spectral region (Vis-NIR) provides a cost-efficient and fast solution for the determination of these quality control parameters in palm oil. With no sample preparation or chemicals needed, Vis-NIR spectroscopy allows for the analysis of palm oil in less than a minute and can be used by anyone.
- AN-O-027Citrate, succinate, lactate, β-hydroxybutyrate, and acetate in dry albumin powder using dialysis for sample preparation
Determination of citrate, succinate, lactate, β-hydroxybutyrate, and acetate in dry albumin powder using ion-exclusion chromatography with suppressed conductivity detection and dialysis for inline sample preparation.
- AN-P-063Mannitol, rhamnose, lactulose and lactose in blood serum with pulsed amperometric detection (PAD)
The lactulose/rhamnose (L/R) intestinal permeability test is used for the diagnosis of dysfunctional intestinal permeabilities. This test comprises the determination of mannitol, rhamnose, lactose and lactulose in addition to the usual blood sugars, e.g. glucose, galactose and saccharose. This Application Note presents the analysis of a blood plasma sample enriched with the four sugars mentioned above.Key word: leaky gut syndrome
- AN-P-064Separation of sugars and sugar acids using low-pressure gradient
A low-pressure gradient enables the separation of sugar acids strongly retained on the column and sugars within an appropriate analysis time. The saccharides are separated on a column of the Metrosep Carb 2 - 250/4.0 type with subsequent pulsed amperometric detection (PAD). Galactose and arabinose are not completely separated under the selected conditions.
- AN-P-065Sugar and sugar alcohols in addition to sucrose and cellobiose
This Application Note describes the separation of inositol, mannitol, glucose, xylose, fructose, lactose, sucrose and cellobiose on a column of the Metrosep Carb 2 - 150/4.0 type with subsequent pulsed amperometric detection (PAD).
- AN-P-077Proof of concept for the determination of lactose and its derivatives as well as sialic acid* in fermentation broths
The separation of lactose, lactobionic acid, sialic acid*, 6’-sialyllactose, and 3’-sialyllactose is shown as a proof of concept for the control of these components in fermentation process for a pharmaceutical product. The acceptance criterion of a minimum resolution of the peaks (< 1.3) is reached. The separation is achieved on a Metrosep Carb 2 - 250/4.0 column with subsequent pulsed amperometric detection.
- AN-PAN-1065Inline monitoring of cell cultures with Raman spectroscopy
This Process Application Note presents a method to accurately monitor lactic acid and glucose inside a bioreactor in «real-time» with the 2060 Raman Analyzer from Metrohm Process Analytics.
- AN-RA-008Easy detection of enzymes with the electrochemical-SERS effect
Low sensitivity has limited the use of Raman spectroscopy as a detection method. However, the surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) effect has improved its effectivity for analytical use. Aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) and cytochrome c are analyzed by Raman spectroelectrochemistry as a proof of concept in this Application Note.
- AN-S-075Four anions in glutamine monofluorophosphate
Determination of fluoride, chloride, phosphate, and monofluorophosphate in glutamine monofluorophosphate using anion chromatography with conductivity detection after chemical suppression.
- AN-S-090Four anions in a protein formulation using dialysis for sample preparation
Determination of chloride, nitrate, phosphate, and sulfate in a protein formulation using anion chromatography with conductivity detection after chemical suppression and dialysis for sample preparation.
- AN-S-127Five anions in human urine
Determination of chloride, nitrate, phosphate, sulfate, and oxalate in human urine using anion chromatography with conductivity detection after chemical suppression and dialysis for sample preparation.
- AN-S-143Glycerophosphates in amino acids
Determination of α-glycerophosphate and β-glycerophosphate in amino acids using anion chromatography with conductivity detection after chemical suppression.
- AN-S-179Six anions in a peptide sample
Determination of fluoride, chloride, bromide, nitrate, sulfate, and trifluoroacetate (TFA) in a peptide sample using anion chromatography with conductivity detection after chemical suppression.
- AN-S-188Chloride in children's sweat
Determination of chloride in a child's sweat using anion chromatography with conductivity detection after chemical suppression.
- AN-S-194Iodide in human urine
Determination of iodide in a human 24 hour urine sample using anion chromatography with amperometric detection after chemical suppression. The result agrees with that of the photometric method. UV detection did not work.
- AN-S-210Oxalate and citrate in human urine
Determination of oxalate and citrate in human urine using anion chromatography with conductivity detection after chemical suppression.
- AN-S-215Qualitative determination of anions in urine to verify adulteration
Qualitative determination of chloride, phosphate, and sulfate as well as chlorite, nitrite, chlorate, bromide, and chromate in urine using anion chromatography with conductivity detection after chemical suppression.
- AN-S-221Sulfate, phosphate, and pyrophosphate in human and mice urine
Determination of sulfate, phosphate, and pyrophosphate in human urine and mice urine using anion chromatography with conductivity detection after chemical suppression.
- AN-T-083Photometric titration of chondroitin sulfate according to Ph. Eur. and USP
This Application Note details the photometric determination of chondroitin sulfate with 1-hexadecylpyridinium chloride as titrant and with the Optrode (660 nm). The method is in compliance with the Ph. Eur. and the USP.
- AN-T-212FOS/TAC in fermentation substrate – Reliable determination for the monitoring of biogas plants
The FOS/TAC value, sometimes referred to as VFA/TA, is a meaningful parameter for assessing both the current condition and the development of anaerobic digestion processes in a digester of a biogas plant. Knowledge of this value can help decrease the risk of acidification problems, which can result in a costly crash of the entire digestion process. Therefore, an accurate and reliable determination of the FOS/TAC value is important for both efficient and cost-effective production operations. This value is determined by an acid-base titration. Using the Eco Titrator from Metrohm equipped with an Ecotrode plus electrode, a reproducible and accurate determination of the FOS/TAC value is possible.
- AN-T-222Sulfur dioxide content in traditional Chinese medicines
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) remedies are gaining popularity in other cultures. In some TCM, sulfur dioxide (SO2) is used as a preservative, antioxidant, and disinfectant. The products are treated by sulfurization with SO2 gas. However, sulfur dioxide is a very poisonous gas. Global health authorities have set strict limits for the content of SO2 in products. It is therefore of crucial importance to determine the sulfur dioxide content to comply with these limits. In this well-suited method, the SO2 content in different natural TCM products are analyzed reliably and accurately according to ISO 22590 using the Eco Titrator equipped with an Optrode and sodium hydroxide as titrant.
- AN-T-227Determination of sodium lactate
Sodium lactate is a salt form of lactic acid used in many regulated industries—therefore an accurate determination of the lactate content is required and is already covered in several norms. One such monograph by the US Pharmacopoeia (USP) results in high accuracies and well-defined titration curves but uses titrants and solvents that are more costly than necessary. In comparison, the presented modified method from Metrohm requires a 1:1 mixture of water and acetone and uses aqueous hydrochloric acid as titrant, resulting in an estimated cost reduction of 40% per titration compared to the USP method (USP–NF 2021, Issue 2). Furthermore, the time needed for each analysis is reduced to just 12% of the USP method (excluding blank determination). This Application Note presents both methods to determine lactate content and shows the results obtained on an OMNIS system.