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Applying USP validated methods for separation column equivalency

16.10.2023 г.


The United States Pharmacopeia (USP) started updating around 4300 Monographs and 220 General Chapters with modern technology in 2010 [1]. During this time, ion chromatography (IC) also became a more popular analytical technique as it matured. Regulatory agencies now consider IC as an acceptable technology to analyze pharmaceuticals and biopharmaceuticals. 

The scope of IC analyses in the pharma industry is quite broad. IC can assess trace impurities, excipients, active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), and metabolites, as well as determine ionic components in pharmaceutical solutions and bodily fluids [2–10]. These quality control parameters can be measured in raw materials, during the production process, and in final products. IC is also suitable for quality control of process water and wastewater – safeguarding production and ensuring that discharged wastewater meets regulations [2,11–17]. 

This blog article focuses on the incorporation of IC during the modernization of USP methods. Separation column equivalency is discussed, and how it makes labs more flexible by implementing alternative columns for analytical methods in accordance with USP requirements.

USP General Chapters and Monographs

The USP provides quality standards for safe drugs, pharmaceutical substances, dietary supplements, and food products. Basic assumptions and definitions are summarized in «General Notices and Requirements» chapters. «Monographs» and «General Chapters» describe test procedures and acceptance criteria or general guidance to ensure the identity, quality, and purity of products.