Chuyển hướng tin nhắn


Current Version: tiamo 3.0


tiamo is a control and database software for titrators, dosing devices and sample changers that allows complete laboratory automation, which is why the name tiamo stands for «titration and more» – tiamo can do far more than just titrate.


Compatibility of tiamo versions with Windows operating systems:

64-bit operating systems are supported for tiamo 2.3 and higher.
  tiamo 1.0–1.3
tiamo 2.0–2.1
tiamo 2.2–2.3
tiamo 2.4
tiamo 2.5
tiamo 3.0
Windows 2000
Yes Yes Yes

Windows XP (SP1, SP2, SP3) 
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Windows Vista

Yes Yes Yes Yes – 
Windows 7

Yes Yes
Windows 8

Windows 8.1


Windows 10

Windows 11
Windows Server 2003

Yes Yes

Windows Server 2008

Yes Yes

Windows Server 2008 R2

Yes Yes

Windows Server 2012

Yes Yes

Windows Server 2012 R2

Windows Server 2016

Yes Yes
Windows Server 2019 

Windows Server 2022

Important hints

Never execute an upgrade from tiamo 2.x to tiamo 3.0 without a valid licence code for tiamo 3.0! Without a valid licence code you get only a demo version which expires after 30 days. A downgrade from tiamo 3.0 back to tiamo 2.X is NOT possible!

To get a valid tiamo 3.0 licence code, please contact your local Metrohm distributor.

The same applies for an upgrade from 1.x to tiamo 2.x, never execute an upgrade from tiamo 1.x to tiamo 2.x without a valid licence code for tiamo 2.x!

A direct upgrade from tiamo 1.x to tiamo 3.0 is not possible, please contact your local Metrohm distributor.

If you install the Chinese or traditional Chinese language update please make sure, that the respective character support is activated in the language settings of your personal computer.

In order to install a language update, extract and execute the EXE file from the downloaded and compressed ZIP file. Installation will then be carried out automatically.


Download the required software version as well as the respective language packs and documents below.