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Metrohm Hyphenated EC-Raman Starter Electrocatalysis Solution

Metrohm Hyphenated EC-Raman Starter Electrocatalysis Solution


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Includes a compact Autolab PGSTAT204 with an Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) module installed, a B&W Tek i-Raman Plus 532 H System, a B&W Tek Raman Video Microsampling System (532 nm) and an Autolab Trigger cable.

Discover simultaneous structural and functional information about your catalysts quickly without complicated setups or worries about synchronizing measurements. This is all possible with the EC-Raman Starter Solution.

• An electrochemical workstation with high accuracy EIS.
• Two editable hyphenated EC-Raman procedures for the NOVA software as well as the BWSpec software for extended data analysis.
• Measurements are automatically synchronized.
• 532 nm laser excitation for higher Raman signal.

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Trigger cable for PGSTAT204 Hyphenated EC-Raman Solutions
Trigger cable for PGSTAT204 Hyphenated EC-Raman Solutions
This trigger cable connects the Autolab PGSTAT204 to the i-raman plus 532H and synchronizes and controls spectra acquistion through the NOVA software.
Autolab PGSTAT204
Autolab PGSTAT204
The PGSTAT204 combines the small footprint with a modular design. The instrument includes a base potentiostat/galvanostat with a compliance voltage of 20 V and a maximum current of 400 mA or 10 A in combination with the BOOSTER10A. The potentiostat can be expanded at any time with one additional module, for example the FRA32M electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) module.The PGSTAT204 is an affordable instrument which can be located anywhere in the lab. Analog and digital inputs/outputs are available to control Autolab accessories and external devices are available. The PGSTAT204 includes a built-in analog integrator. In combination with the powerful NOVA software it can be used for most of the standard electrochemical techniques.
i-Raman Plus 532H Portable Raman Spectrometer
i-Raman Plus 532H Portable Raman Spectrometer
The i-Raman® Plus 532H is part of our award-winning series of i-Raman portable Raman spectrometers powered by our innovative intelligent spectrometer technology. Using a high-quantum-efficiency CCD array detector with TE cooling and high dynamic range, this portable Raman spectrometer delivers excellent performance with low noise, even at integration times of up to 30 minutes, making it possible to measure weak Raman signals.The i-Raman Plus 532H features the unique combination of wide spectral range and high resolution with configurations which allow measurements from 65 cm-1 to 3,400 cm-1. The system’s small footprint, lightweight design, and low power consumption ensure research-grade Raman analysis capabilities at any location. The i-Raman Plus is equipped with a fiber probe for easy sampling, and can be used with a cuvette holder, a video microscope, an XYZ positioning stage with a probe holder, as well as our proprietary BWIQ® multivariate analysis software and BWID® identification software. With the i-Raman Plus, you always have a high precision Raman solution for qualitative and quantitative analysis.
Raman Video Micro-Sampling System (532 nm)
Raman Video Micro-Sampling System (532 nm)
Video microscope sampling system for use with B&W Tek's lab and industrial Raman probes. Includes a 20x objective with a working distance of 16 mm. Offers manual rough and fine adjustment on the X, Y, and Z-axes, coaxial LED illuminator for target alignment, video camera for sample observation, and is compatible with standard microscope objectives. Probe not included, available separately. 532 nm configuration.BAC151C-532 
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