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Halogens in palm oil with Metrohm Combustion IC

Tóm tắt

Palm oil is a vegetable oil that is used not only in the food industry but also for the manufacture of soaps and body care products. It is furthermore an important raw material for the generation of biodiesel. Depending on the degree of refinement, palm oil can be red, reddish or even colorless in appearance. The carotenes responsible for the color are removed during refinement and the oil becomes increasingly clear. In this Note, the chlorine and sulfur content of various palm oils are determined using Combustion IC.

Keyword: pyrohydrolysis

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Tòa nhà Park IX, số 08 Đường Phan Đình Giót, Phường 2, Quận Tân Bình
Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh

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Ứng dụng này được gắn thẻ là

// Lipids, fats, oils, waxes// Fuels – biogenic