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Monitoring antioxidant content of in-service industrial lubricants with voltammetry

6 ก.พ. 2023


Testing of in-service lubricants for their remaining antioxidant content is critical for prolonging the uptime of capital equipment as well as reducing running costs and repair expenses. Nevertheless, it is often not part of oil monitoring programs because the analysis is too time-consuming and expensive to perform. Voltammetry is a fast and established method for testing the remaining antioxidant content in industrial lubricants. By using a modern voltammetric measuring technique and an advanced evaluation algorithm, analysts can test samples more efficiently, improve the repeatability of results, and cut analysis costs.

Additives are used to enhance or suppress the base oil properties or to even create new properties.

Why do lubricants contain antioxidants?

Different base oils are used as lubricants depending on their area of application. Additives are used to enhance or suppress the base oil properties or to even create new properties.

One group of oil additives are antioxidants. Antioxidants extend the useful life of a lubricant by preventing the oxidation of the base oil.