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Brochure: Analysis of carbon materials


  • Överblick över funktioner

The small brochure covers methods ranging from Raman spectroscopy to the latest electrochemical techniques and well-established methods such as titration, Karl Fischer titration, and ion chromatography. The overview is structured according to specific carbon materials defining key analysis parameters including relevant norms and standards:

  • Graphene (e.g., structural properties, oxygen content (Boehm titration), electrochemical evaluation, etc.)
  • Carbon nanotubes (e.g., disorder of crystal structure, characterization in dependence of the applied potential, etc.)
  • Graphite (e.g., characterization, intercalation and de-intercalation of lithium, water content, etc.)
  • Carbon black (e.g., electrochemical characterization, iodine adsorption number, water content, etc.)
  • Hard carbon (Insertion and de-insertion of sodium ions, water content


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