- 8.000.6014Determination of anions and cations in aerosols by ion chromatography
The study of adverse effects of air pollution requires semi-continuous, rapid and accurate measurements of inorganic species in aerosols and their gas phase components in ambient air. The most promising instruments, often referred to as steam collecting devices, are the Particle-Into-Liquid-Sampler (PILS) coupled to wet-chemical analyzers such as a cation and/or anion chromatograph (IC) and the Monitoring instrument for AeRosols and GAses (MARGA) with two integrated ICs. Both instruments comprise gas denuders, a condensation particle growth sampler as well as pump and control devices. While PILS uses two consecutive fixed denuders and a downstream growth chamber, the MARGA system is composed of a Wet Rotating Denuder (WRD) and a Steam-Jet Aerosol Collector (SJAC). Although the aerosol samplers of PILS and MARGA use different assemblies, both apply the technique of growing aerosol particles into droplets in a supersaturated water vapor environment. Previously mixed with carrier water, the collected droplets are continuously fed into sample loops or preconcentration columns for on-line IC analysis. While PILS has been designed to sample aerosols only, MARGA additionally determines water-soluble gases. Compared to the classical denuders, which remove gases from the air sample upstream of the growth chamber, MARGA collects the gaseous species in a WRD for on-line analysis. In contrast to the gases, aerosols have low diffusion speeds and thus neither dissolve in the PILS denuders nor in the WRD. Proper selection of the ion chromatographic conditions of PILS-IC allows a precise determination, within 4 to 5 minutes, of seven major inorganic species (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl-, NO3- and SO4 2-) in fine aerosol particles. With longer analysis times (10-15 minutes) even airborne low-molecular-weight organic acids, such as acetate, formate and oxalate can be analyzed. MARGA additionally facilitates the simultaneous determination of HCl, HNO3, HNO2, SO2 and NH3.PILS and MARGA provide semi-continuous, long-term stand-alone measurements (1 week) and can measure particulate pollutants in the ng/m3 range.
- 8.000.6041Simultaneous determination of fluoride species plus acid anions in etching baths by ion chromatography with dual detection
This poster presents a straightforward ion chromatographic determination of HF, HNO3, short-chain organic acids and H2SiF6 in etching bath samples. Standard ions such as fluoride, nitrate, acetate and sulfate are determined via suppressed conductivity detection while dissolved silicate is spectrophotometrically detected in the same run after downstream post-column reaction (PCR) as molybdosilicic acid. Analytical results of several commercial HF-HNO3-H2SiF6 mixtures obtained by ion chromatography (IC) and titration showed good agreement, which confirms the applicability of the presented «dual» detection IC method for controlling the composition of acidic texturing baths.
- AB-039Potentiometric determination of nitrating acid
A potentiometric, nonaqueous method is described for analyzing nitrating acid using cyclohexylamine as titrant. Both sulfuric and nitric acid can be determined quantitatively.
- AB-066Potentiometric and thermometric determination of boric acid
Boric acid is used in many primary circuits of nuclear power plants, in nickel plating baths, and in the production of optical glasses. Furthermore, boron compounds are found in washing powders and fertilizers. This bulletin describes the potentiometric and thermometric determination of boric acid. The determination also covers further boron compounds, when acidic digestion is applied.
- AB-089Potentiometric analysis of anodizing baths
This Bulletin describes potentiometric titration methods for checking sulfuric acid and chromic acid anodizing baths. In addition to the main components aluminum, sulfuric acid, and chromic acid, chloride, oxalic acid, and sulfate are determined.
- AB-090Potentiometric analysis of tin plating baths
Potentiometric titration methods for the analysis of acid and alkaline tin plating baths are presented. The following methods are described: tin(II) / tin(IV) / total tin, free fluoroboric acid, or free sulfuric acid, chloride in acidic tin baths, free hydroxide, and carbonate in alkaline tin baths.
- AB-092Potentiometric analysis of lead plating baths
This Bulletin describes the potentiometric determination of lead, tin(II), and free fluoroboric acid.
- AB-195Titrimetric determination of free boric acid and tetrafluoroboric acid in nickel plating baths
This Bulletin describes the simultaneous potentiometric titration of free boric acid and free tetrafluoroboric acid in nickel plating baths. After addition of mannitol, the formed mannitol complexes are titrated with sodium hydroxide solution. The determination is carried out directly in the plating bath sample; nickel and other metal ions do not interfere.
- AB-225Simple wine analysis
The Bulletin describes the determination of the following parameters in wine: pH value, total titratable acid, free sulfurous acid, total sulfurous acid as well as ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and other reductones.
- AB-315Determination of free fatty acids (FFA) in edible oils with 859 Titrotherm
In titration, the titrant reacts with the analyte either exothermically (gives off heat) or endothermically (absorbs heat). The Thermoprobe measures the temperature change during titration. When all of the analyte has reacted with the titrant, the temperature of the solution will change, and the endpoint of the titration is indicated by an inflection in the temperature curve. Catalytically enhanced titrations using paraformaldehyde as catalyst are based on the endothermic hydrolysis of the paraformaldehyde in the presence of excess hydroxide ions. Edible oils are dissolved in a mixture of toluene and 2-propanol (1:1) and titrated with standardized TBAH (0.01 mol/L) in 2-propanol to a catalytically enhanced endpoint.
- AB-316Determination of phosphoric acid in liquid fertilizer with 859 Titrotherm
The phosphoric acid content can be easily titrated with a standardized solution of 2 mol/L NaOH. The interfering calcium content in phosphoric fertilizer can be eliminated by adding a saturated oxalate solution.
- AB-344Automated analysis of etch acid mixtures using the 859 Titrotherm and the 814 USB Sample Processor
This bulletin deals with the automated determination of mixtures of HNO3, HF and H2SiF6 in the range of approximately 200-600 g/L HNO3, 50-160 g/L HF, and 0-185 g/L H2SiF6 using thermometric titration.Etch acid mixtures containing HNO3, HF and H2SiF6 from the etching of silicon substrates can be analyzed in a sequence of two determinations using the 859 Titrotherm. The first determination involves a direct titration with standard c(NaOH) = 2 mol/L, followed by a back titration with c(HCl) = 2 mol/L. This determination yields the H2SiF6 content plus a value for the combined (HNO3+HF) contents. The second determination consists of a titration with c(Al3+) = 0.5 mol/L to determine the HF content. For freshly made up mixtures of HNO3 and HF containing no H2SiF6, a linked two-titration sequence is employed. Results from the two determinations are used by tiamoTM to yield individual results for HNO3, HF and H2SiF6.
- AN-H-016Determination of acetic, phosphoric, and nitric acid mixtures
Determination of mixtures of phosphoric, nitric, and acetic acids used in etching aluminum in the manufacture of semiconductor devices.
- AN-H-038Determination of sulfate and total acids in a nitrating mixture
Determination of sulfate and total acids in a nitrating mixture.
- AN-H-040Determination of HCl (ppm range) in silicone oil
Determination of low content of HCl (around 10 ppm) in silicone oil.
- AN-H-081Determination of phosphoric and nitric acid in nitrophos liquors
Determination of phosphoric and nitric acids in liquors from the Nitrophos fertilizer manufacturing process.
- AN-H-084Determination of mixtures of sulfuric, phosphoric, and nitric acids
Determination of mixtures of sulfuric, phosphoric, and nitric acids. The procedure is suitable for automated analysis using an 814 Sample Processor.
- AN-H-087Determination of hydrofluoric acid by aluminum titration
Determination of hydrofluoric acid in mixed acid etchant solutions.
- AN-H-089Automated analysis of hexafluorosilicic acid
Automated determination of the H2SiF6 and HF contents of industrial grade hexafluorosilicic acid.
- AN-H-093Determination of boric acid by fluoride titration
Determination of boric acid in electroless plating solutions.
- AN-H-098Determination of hydrofluoric acid in silicon etch solutions
This Application Note describes the determination of fluoride in silicon etch solutions with thermometric titration.
- AN-H-109Determination of sulfuric acid, hydrofluoric acid, and ammonium bifluoride in acid mixtures
Results from three separate single endpoint titrations are used to calculate the results. The mixture of H2SO4, HF, and NH4F/HF contains H+ from H2SO4, HF, and NH4F/HF, SO42- from H2SO4, and F- from HF and NH4F/HF. Analysis of total H+ («total acids») by NaOH titration, F- by titrating with Al(NO3)3 («total fluoride») and SO42- by titrating with BaCl2 provides the information required to determine the composition of the mixture.
- AN-H-114Determination of sulfuric acid, nitric acid, and hydrofluoric acid in etch solutions
Two separate titration sequences are required to analyze the mixture:- titration of the HF content with Al(NO3)3 (the «elpasolite» reaction)- titration of the H2SO4 with BaCl2 followed by titration with NaOH to determine the «total acids» contentThe HF, H2SO4, and «total acids» contents are converted to a HNO3 equivalent, with the HNO3 content found by subtracting the HF and H2SO4 from the «total acids» content.
- AN-H-115Determination of hydrofluoric acid, ammonium fluoride, and maleic acid in acid cleaning solutions
A direct thermometric titration (TET) with 2 mol/L NaOH is used to determine the HF, NH4F, and maleic acid (C4H4O4) contents of acid cleaning solutions. Three endpoints (EPs) are obtained, which may be assigned as follows:EP1: C4H4O4 (pKa1 = 1.9), HF (pKa = 3.17)EP2: C4H4O4 (pKa2 = 6.07)EP2: NH4F (pKa = 8.2)The HF content is determined by subtracting the difference (EP2-EP1) from EP1.
- AN-H-118Determination of hydrochloric acid in acidic solutions containing iron and aluminum
The presence of the hydrated ion [Fe(H2O)6]3+ can interfere with the determination of «free acid» due to the low pKa value (~2.2) of this ion. Ions of metals such as Fe, Cu, and Al can be masked effectively with fluoride, and permit the determination of the acid content by thermometric alkalimetric titration with good accuracy and precision.
- AN-H-126Determination of silver and nitric acid in silver electrolyte bath
Silver and nitric acid are determined in silver electrolyte solutions by means of thermometric titration. The method provides accurate results in a short time and is ideally suited for routine process control.
- AN-H-134Determination of sulfuric acid and phosphoric acid in etching baths using thermometric titration
Thermometric titration can be used for the ready determination of sulfuric acid and phosphoric acid in acid mixtures. An endpoint for each acid appears on the titration curve that can be used to quantify the respective acid.
- AN-H-135Determination of hydrochloric acid and phosphoric acid in etching baths using thermometric titration
Thermometric titration is used for the determination of hydrochloric acid and phosphoric acid in acid mixtures. Two endpoints appear on the titration curve that are used for the determination of the two acids.
- AN-H-136Determination of hydrochloric acid and nitric acid in etching baths using thermometric titration
Thermometric titration is used for the determination of hydrochloric acid and nitric acid in acid baths. The entire acid content is titrated with caustic soda in the initial titration; the hydrochloric acid content is then determined in a second titration using silver nitrate solution.
- AN-H-137Determination of hydrochloric acid and hydrofluoric acid in etching baths using thermometric titration
Thermometric titration is used to determine hydrochloric acid and hydrofluoric acid (hydrogen fluoride) in etching baths containing ethanol and acetonitrile. Two endpoints appear on the titration curve that are used individually for the quantification of the respective acid.
- AN-H-138Determination of nitric acid and hydrofluoric acid in etching baths using thermometric titration
Thermometric titration is used to determine hydrofluoric acid and nitric acid in etching baths containing ethanol and acetonitrile. Two endpoints appear on the titration curve that are used individually for the quantification of the respective acid.
- AN-H-139Determination of nitric acid, hydrofluoric acid and hexafluorosilic acid in simulated etching baths using thermometric titration
Following the addition of caustic soda, hexafluorosilic acid can be determined through back titration of excess hydroxide with hydrochloric acid. Hydrofluoric acid (hydrogen fluoride) is determined by precipitation with aluminum in the presence of sodium and potassium ions. Nitric acid is determined by subtracting the equivalence concentrations of hexafluorosilic acid and hydrofluoric acid from the total acid concentration.
- AN-H-140Titration of phosphoric, nitric, and acetic acid mixtures
Nitric acid, phosphoric acid, and acetic acid are easily determined in etching baths using thermometric titration (TET). Compared to potentiometric titration, TET is faster and more convenient. Analysis is complete in less than two minutes.
- AN-H-143Sulfuric acid and tartaric acid in tartaric sulfuric anodizing bath – Rapid, sequential determination using a thermometric sensor (thermometric titration)
Tartaric Sulfuric Anodizing (TSA) is an established technique for corrosion protection in the aerospace industry. It is an alternative to the environmentally harmful chromic anodizing process. As such, a method to monitor the levels of sulfuric acid and tartaric acid in TSA plating baths is required. Potentiometric titration methods have been developed, and are widely used across the industry. Their disadvantage is that two titrations with different electrodes and solvents are required.In this Application Note, an alternative method is presented, where the concentration of both acids is determined in sequence using a thermometric sensor. Compared to potentiometric titration, thermometric titration is faster and more convenient (no sensor maintenance required). On a fully automated system, the determination of both parameters takes about 7 minutes.
- AN-NIR-090Quality Control of Mixed Phosphoric, Sulfuric, Nitric, and Hydrofluoric Acids
Fast and reliable detection of phosphoric, sulfuric, nitric, and hydrofluoric acids with near-infrared spectroscopy in under one minute.
- AN-NIR-091Quality Control of Mixed Acetic, Hydrofluoric, and Nitric Acids
This application note discusses an alternative near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy method that can reliably determine all parameters within a minute, even in complex acid mixtures.
- AN-O-018Boric acid and acetic acid in process water
Determination of boric acid and acetic acid in process water using ion-exclusion chromatography with conductivity detection after chemical suppression.
- AN-PAN-1006Online analysis of zinc, sulfuric acid, and iron during zinc refining
This Process Application Note is dedicated to the online analysis of zinc, iron and sulfuric acid in several stages of the zinc production process. Additionally, traces of germanium, antimony, as well as several transition metals (e.g., Ni, Co, Cu, Cd) can be precisely determined (<50 µg/L) in the purification filtrates and reactor trains.
- AN-PAN-1008Determination of sulfuric acid in acetone and phenol
In the cumene process, phenol and acetone are produced from benzene and propylene. For a successful process control, it is crucial to monitor the sulfuric acid concentration, which impacts the acid-catalyzed cleavage of cumene hydroperoxide to yield phenol and acetone. This Process Application Note describes the online analysis of sulfuric acid using titration. In such hazardous environments, the analyzer can be ex-proof or located in an ex-proof shelter.
- AN-PAN-1010Determination of sulfuric acid and zinc sulfate
To optimize the wet-spinning process in the viscose/rayon production, it is crucial to measure sulfuric acid and zinc. H2SO4 and ZnSO4 are analyzed using a potentiometric titration and colorimetric measurement technique. Results are automatically validated against a known standard solution to guarantee preset control limits.
- AN-PAN-1013Online analysis of boric acid in the cooling water of pressurized water reactors
Boric acid requires precise monitoring in the primary circuit to control nuclear reactor reactivity. The 2060 TI Process Analyzer monitors boric acid online in near-real time.
- AN-PAN-1018Online analysis of acids, bases, and aluminum in anodizing baths
Anodizing metal surfaces improves resistance against corrosion and wear. Etching baths can be monitored precisely online with the 2060 TI Process Analyzer or 2026 HD Titrolyzer.
- AN-PAN-1019Online analysis of acids and iron in pickling baths
Pickling baths are used in the galvanic industry to clean steel surfaces and prevent corrosion through passivation. Maintaining specific Fe2+/Fe3+ and free acid/total acid ratios is vital to ensure the baths' optimal performance, which directly impacts the final product quality and reduces production costs by minimizing reagent consumption. This application presents a method to regularly monitor the acid and iron composition in pickling baths online by using a process analyzer from Metrohm Process Analytics.
- AN-PAN-1055Monitoring quality parameters in standard cleaning baths
Rapid inline monitoring of the major SC1/SC2 bath constituents is possible with reagent-free near-infrared spectroscopy, e.g., the 2060 The NIR-R Analyzer.
- AN-PAN-1062Online monitoring of sulfuric acid and hydrogen peroxide using Raman spectroscopy
Etching is a vital process in semiconductor fabrication, involving the chemical removal of layers from the wafer substrate. Strict quality control measures are necessary to determine acid etchant concentrations in mixed acid solutions (e.g., SPM, DSP, or DSP+), critical for optimizing etch rate, selectivity, and uniformity during multiple wafer etching steps. This application presents a method to measure sulfuric acid and hydrogen peroxide in etching baths simultaneously using Raman spectroscopy with the PTRam Analyzer from Metrohm Process Analytics.
- AN-RS-012Handheld Raman for Acid Attack Prevention
Acid throwing, a historical method for retribution against women, has become a modern threat of a different nature. Concentrated acids and other corrosive substances have emerged as modern tools of social violence. Aggressors use common plastic containers with openings that create a powerful directional spray, such as lemon juice squeeze bottles. Sulfuric and phosphoric acids were chosen for analysis here due to their highly corrosive nature- acid attacks in London most commonly use sulfuric, phosphoric, and nitric acids.2017 saw a remarkable number of acid attacks in the UK, with reported incidences averaging 2x a day. Detection and regulation of acids may contribute to prevention of this social scourge.
- AN-S-011Phosphate and tetrafluoroborate in 2% hydrofluoric acid
Determination of phosphate and tetrafluoroborate in 2% HF using anion chromatography with conductivity detection after chemical suppression.
- AN-S-051Chloride, sulfate, chromate, and sulfonic acids in a chromium plating bath
Determination of chloride, sulfate, chromate, methanesulfonic acid (MSA), methanedisulfonic acid (MDSA), and ethanedisulfonic acid (EDSA) in a chromium plating bath using anion chromatography with conductivity detection after chemical suppression.
- AN-S-165Hypophosphite, phosphite, tartrate, tungstate, phosphate, citrate, and pyrophosphate in an electroplating bath
Determination of hypophosphite, phosphite, tartrate, tungstate, phosphate, citrate, and pyrophosphate in an electroplating bath using anion chromatography with a high pressure gradient and conductivity detection after chemical suppression.
- AN-S-172Phosphite in a potato extract
Determination of phosphite in the presence of chloride, nitrate, bromide, nitrate, and sulfate in a potato extract using anion chromatography with conductivity detection after chemical suppression and inline sample preparation by dialysis.