Pré-calibrações para o software de espectroscopia Vis-NIR da Vision Air
- Brochura: Pré-calibrações para testes de cannabis (PDF, 245,1 KB)
Pre-calibration, isocyanate, liquid
OMNIS pre-calibration for determination of the NCO number in isocyanates using NIR spectroscopy.
Pre-calibration, polyol, liquid
OMNIS Pre-calibration for determination of the hydroxyl number in polyols by means of NIR spectroscopy.
Pre-calibration, CPO, liquid
OMNIS pre-calibration for determination of iodine number, moisture, and free fatty acids in crude palm oil using NIR spectroscopy.
Pre-calibration, gasoline, liquid
OMNIS pre-calibration for determination of octane number, LCI, and density, along with the benzene, aromatic compounds, olefins, and oxygen content in gasoline using NIR spectroscopy.
Pre-calibration, diesel, liquid
OMNIS pre-calibration for determination of the cetane index, cetane number, density, cold filter plugging point and flash point in diesel oil using NIR spectroscopy.
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Pre-calibration, RBD palm oil, liquid
OMNIS pre-calibration for determination of iodine number, moisture, and free fatty acids in RBD palm oil using NIR spectroscopy.
Pre-calibration, CPKO, liquid
OMNIS pre-calibration for determination of iodine number, moisture, and free fatty acids in crude palm kernel oil using NIR spectroscopy.