i-Raman EX Portable Raman Spectrometer
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The i-Raman® EX is part of our award-winning series of i-Raman portable Raman spectrometers with our patented CleanLaze® laser with 1,064 nm laser excitation. Using a high-sensitivity InGaAs array detector with deep TE cooling, high dynamic range, and a high throughput spectrograph design, this portable Raman spectrometer delivers a high signal-to-noise ratio without inducing autofluorescence, making it possible to measure a wide range of natural products, biological samples (such as cell cultures), and colored samples.
The i-Raman EX provides a spectral coverage range from 100 cm-1 to 2,500 cm-1, enabling you to measure across the entire fingerprint region. The system’s small footprint, lightweight design, and low power consumption ensure research-grade Raman analysis capabilities at any location. For expanded analysis capabilities, it can be used with our proprietary Vision software as well as BWIQ® multivariate analysis software and BWID® identification software. With the i-Raman EX, you always have a high precision Raman solution for qualitative and quantitative analysis without fluorescence.
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