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5 data sets your refinery process is probably missing

63 min


// Petrochemicals & biofuels

Larry Tucker, Director of Norms & Standards at Metrohm USA, and Kraig R. Kmiotek, Product Specialist at Metrohm USA, present challenges and risks in refinery analytics and refinery automation opportunities. They provide application examples for sour water stripping, crude desalting, gasoline blending, amine treatment, and wastewater.

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Metrohm AG와 그 자회사 및 독점 유통업체가 개인 정보 보호 정책 에 따라 내 데이터를 저장 및 처리하고 내 문의에 대한 답변 및 광고 목적으로 이메일, 전화 또는 서신을 통해 내게 연락하는 것을 허용합니다. 언제든지  info@metrohm.kr으로 이메일을 보내 동의를 철회할 수 있습니다.

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Metrohm Process Analytics: one provider for all solutions

Metrohm Process Analytics, Process Service Engineer, chemical industry, 2060 Process Analyzer, training customer, petrochemical refinery, on-site training

When it comes to robust and reliable process analyzers, Metrohm Process Analytics has got you covered.

Our range of process instruments consists of individual analyzers, explosion-proof versions, as well as a modular analyzer platform covering near-infrared, Raman, titration, pH, and ion chromatography measurements in various industries.

Learn more about our process analyzers