Electrode Finder
Screen-Printed Carbon ElectrodeScreen-Printed Carbon Electrode (Aux.:C; Ref.:Ag). Suitable for working with microvolumes, for decentralized assays or to develop specific sensors.
Separate Ag ring electrodeThis silver electrode must be used in combination with a reference electrode (c(KNO3) = 1 mol/L as reference electrolyte) and is suitable for precipitation titrations (titrant silver nitrate), e.g. of: chloride, bromide, iodide; sulfides; hydrogen sulfide; mercaptans; cyanides; The permanently fused-in silver ring is resistant to highly concentrated acids and saline solutions.
Ag TitrodeCombined silver ring electrode with a pH glass membrane as reference electrode.This maintenance-free electrode is suitable for precipitation titrations when the pH value remains constant (titrant silver nitrate), for example of: chloride, bromide, iodide; sulfides; hydrogen sulfide; mercaptans; cyanides ; This electrode is stored in distilled water.Depending on the application, we recommend using an Ag Titrode with a coating (AgBr, AgCl or Ag2S coating), which can be ordered accordingly.
Combined Ag ring electrodeCombined silver ring electrode with fixed ground-joint diaphragm.This electrode is suitable for precipitation titrations when the pH value varies (titrant silver nitrate) of, e.g.: Chloride, bromide, iodide; Sulfides; Hydrogen sulfide; Mercaptans; Cyanides; The fixed ground-joint diaphragm is insensitive to contamination and the permanently fused-in silver ring is resistant to more highly concentrated acids and saline solutions.c(KNO3) = 1 mol/L is used as reference electrolyte and storage solution. Depending on the application, we recommend using an Ag ring electrode with a coating (AgBr, AgCl or Ag2S coating), which can be ordered accordingly.
Combined iAg-ring electrodeIntelligent, combined silver ring electrode with integrated memory chip for storing sensor data.This electrode is suitable for precipitation titrations when the pH value varies (titrant silver nitrate) of, e.g.: chloride, bromide, iodide; sulfides; hydrogen sulfide; mercaptans; cyanides; The fixed ground-joint diaphragm is insensitive to contamination and the permanently fused-in silver ring is resistant to more highly concentrated acids and saline solutions.c(KNO3) = 1 mol/L is used as reference electrolyte and storage solution.
Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode / Work in SolutionScreen-Printed Carbon Electrode (Aux.:C; Ref.:Ag) / Work in Solution. Recommended for working in batch analysis.
Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode (Aux.:Pt; Ref.:Ag)Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode (Aux.:Pt; Ref.:Ag). Suitable for working with microvolumes, for decentralized assays or to develop specific sensors.
Screen-Printed Gold Electrode (Aux.:Au; Ref.:Ag) / Ink ATScreen-Printed Gold Electrode (Aux.:Au; Ref.:Ag) / Ink AT. Suitable for working with microvolumes, for decentralized assays or to develop specific sensors.
Screen-Printed Gold Electrode (Aux.:Au; Ref.:Ag) / Ink BTScreen-Printed Gold Electrode (Aux.:Au; Ref.:Ag) / Ink BT. Suitable for working with microvolumes, for decentralized assays or to develop specific sensors.
Screen-Printed Gold Electrode (Aux.:Au; Ref.:Ag) / Ink AT / Work in SolutionScreen-Printed Gold Electrode (Aux.:Au; Ref.:Ag) / Ink AT / Work in Solution. Recommended for working in batch analysis.
Screen-Printed Gold Electrode (Aux.:Au; Ref.:Ag) / Ink BT / Work in SolutionScreen-Printed Gold Electrode (Aux.:Au; Ref.:Ag) / Ink BT / Work in Solution. Recommended for working in batch analysis.
Screen-Printed Gold Electrode (Aux.:Au; Ref.:Ag) d. 1.6 / Ink ATScreen-Printed Gold Electrode (Aux.:Au; Ref.:Ag) / Ink AT. Working Electrode of 1.6 mm diameter.
Screen-Printed Gold Electrode (Aux.:Au; Ref.:Ag) d. 1.6 / Ink BTScreen-Printed Gold Electrode (Aux.:Au; Ref.:Ag) / Ink BT. Working Electrode of 1.6 mm diameter.
Screen-Printed Gold Electrode (Aux.:Pt; Ref.:Ag) / Ink ATScreen-Printed Gold Electrode (Aux.:Pt; Ref.:Ag) / Ink AT. Suitable for working with microvolumes, for decentralized assays or to develop specific sensors.
Screen-Printed Gold Electrode (Aux.:Pt; Ref.:Ag) / Ink BTScreen-Printed Gold Electrode (Aux.:Pt; Ref.:Ag) / Ink BT. Suitable for working with microvolumes, for decentralized assays or to develop specific sensors.
Screen-Printed Co-phthalocyanine/Carbon ElectrodeScreen-Printed Co-phthalocyanine/Carbon Electrode. Ideal for the determination of hydrogen peroxide at a low detection potential. These electrodes are recommended for the development of enzymatic biosensors based on oxidases.
Screen-Printed Platinum Electrode (Aux.:Pt; Ref.:Ag)Screen-Printed Platinum Electrode (Aux.:Pt; Ref.:Ag). Suitable for working with microvolumes, for decentralized assays or to develop specific sensors.
Screen-Printed Meldola's Blue/Carbon ElectrodeScreen-Printed Meldola's Blue / Carbon Electrode. Ideal for the determination of NADH at a low detection potential. These electrodes are recommended for the development of enzymatic biosensors based on dehydrogenases.
Screen-Printed Prussian Blue/Carbon ElectrodeScreen-Printed Prussian Blue/Carbon Electrode. Ideal for the determination of hydrogen peroxide at a low detection potential.
Screen-Printed Ferrocyanide/Carbon ElectrodeScreen-Printed Ferrocyanide/Carbon Electrode. Ideal for the determination of hydrogen peroxide at a low detection potential.
Screen-Printed Ruthenium Oxide ElectrodeScreen-Printed Ruthenium Oxide Electrode. Suitable for working with microvolumes, for decentralized assays or to develop specific sensors.
Screen-Printed Silver Electrode (Aux.:C; Ref.:Ag)Screen-Printed Silver Electrode (Aux.:C; Ref.:Ag). Working Electrode of 1.6 mm diameter.
Silver Nanoparticles modified Screen-Printed Carbon ElectrodeSilver Nanoparticles modified Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode. Designed for the development of (bio) sensors with an enhanced electrochemical active area.
Bismuth Oxide modified Screen-Printed Carbon ElectrodeBismuth Oxide modified Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode. Ideal for the environmental friendly determination of heavy metals at ppb levels.
Carbon Nanofibres modified Screen-Printed Carbon ElectrodeCarbon Nanofibres modified Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode designed for the development of (bio) sensors with an enhanced electrochemical active area.
Carbon Nanofibres-Gold Nanoparticles modified Screen-Printed Carbon ElectrodeCarbon Nanofibres-Gold Nanoparticles modified Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode designed for the development of (bio) sensors with an enhanced electrochemical active area.
Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes modified Screen-Printed Carbon ElectrodeMulti-Walled Carbon Nanotubes modified Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode designed for the development of (bio) sensors with an enhanced electrochemical active area.
Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes-Gold Nanoparticles modified Screen-Printed Carbon ElectrodeMulti-Walled Carbon Nanotubes-Gold Nanoparticles modified Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode designed for the development of (bio) sensors with an enhanced electrochemical active area.
Core-shell Quantum Dots ZnS/CdSe modified Screen-Printed Carbon ElectrodeCore-shell Quantum Dots ZnS/CdSe modified Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode designed for the development of sensors with a different electrochemical active area. Also suitable to perform electrochemiluminescence experiments.
Gold Nanoparticles modified Screen-Printed Carbon ElectrodeGold Nanoparticles modified Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode designed for the development of (bio) sensors with an enhanced electrochemical active area.
Streptavidin modified Gold Nanostructured Screen-Printed Carbon ElectrodeStreptavidin modified Gold Nanostructured Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode
Graphene modified Screen-Printed Carbon ElectrodeGraphene modified Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode designed for the development of (bio) sensors with an enhanced electrochemical active area.
Graphene-Gold Nanoparticles modified Screen-Printed Carbon ElectrodeGraphene-Gold Nanoparticles modified Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode designed for the development of (bio) sensors with an enhanced electrochemical active area.
Graphene Oxide modified Screen-Printed Carbon ElectrodeGraphene Oxide modified Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode designed for the development of (bio) sensors with an enhanced electrochemical active area.
Mesoporous Carbon modified Screen-Printed Carbon ElectrodeMesoporous Carbon modified Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode designed for the development of (bio) sensors with an enhanced electrochemical active area.
Nickel Oxide modified Screen-Printed Carbon ElectrodeNickel Oxide modified Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode designed for the electrocatalytic oxidation of small organic molecules such as carbohydrates and alcohols.
Ordered Mesoporous Carbon modified Screen-Printed Carbon ElectrodeOrdered Mesoporous Carbon modified Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode designed for the development of (bio) sensors with an enhanced electrochemical active area.
Polyaniline modified Screen-Printed Carbon ElectrodePolyaniline modified Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode designed for the development of (bio) sensors with an enhanced electrochemical active area.
Core Quantum Dots CdSe modified Screen-Printed Carbon ElectrodeCore Quantum Dots CdSe modified Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode designed for the development of sensors with a different electrochemical active area. Also suitable to perform electrochemiluminescence experiments.
Reduced Graphene Oxide modified Screen-Printed Carbon ElectrodeReduced Graphene Oxide modified Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode designed for the development of (bio) sensors with an enhanced electrochemical active area.
Streptavidin modified Screen-Printed Carbon ElectrodeStreptavidin modified Screen-Printed Carbon Electrodes provide a stable high affinity surface for a large amount of biotinylated molecules.
Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes modified Screen-Printed Carbon ElectrodeSingle-Walled Carbon Nanotubes modified Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode designed for the development of (bio) sensors with an enhanced electrochemical active area.
Extravidin modified Screen-Printed Carbon ElectrodeExtravidin modified Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode. ExtrAvidin combines Avidin high specificity with low non-specific adsorption of Streptavidin. These SPCEs are designed for the development of (bio) sensors with an enhanced electrochemical active area.
4 WEs Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode4 WEs Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode (1 Aux.: C; 1 Ref.:Ag). Aimed at detecting four signals simultaneously, allowing (differential) measurement of up to four analytes in the solution.
8 WEs Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode8 WEs Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode (1 Aux.: C; 1 Ref.:Ag) Aimed at detecting eight signals simultaneously, allowing (differential) measurement of up to eight analytes in the solution.
8X Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode8X Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode (Aux.: Carbon; Ref.:Ag) Screen-printed electrochemical array formed by eight 3-electrode electrochemical cells. Specially designed for the development of multiple simultaneous analysis.
8X Screen-Printed Gold Electrode8X Screen-Printed Gold Electrode (Aux.:Au; Ref.:Ag) Screen-printed electrochemical array formed by eight 3-electrode electrochemical cells. Specially designed for the development of multiple simultaneous analysis.
96X Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode96X Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode. Formed by 96 three-electrode electrochemical cells. Gold plated contact paths are printed in the backside of the plate