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Brochure: Battery research and production


  • 기능 개요

This brochure covers methods ranging from latest electrochemical techniques to well established methods such as titration, Karl Fischer titration, ion chromatography, and voltammetry. The overview is structured according to specific topics defining key fields areas of application:

  • Raw materials (e.g., impurities in lithium salts, water content, eluated anions and cations, etc.)
  • Anode and cathode materials (e.g., water content, residual alkali, etc.)
  • Electrolytes, additives, and solvents (e.g., electrolyte composition, diffusion coefficient, ion transfer number, etc.)
  • Separators (Water content, MacMullin number)
  • Finished batteries (e.g., capacity and power, cyclic performance and coulombic efficiency, etc.)