Trace metal analysis with solid-state electrodes – Part 2
2020. 8. 10.
In the second part of our series on heavy metal analysis with solid-state electrodes, the focus lies on the scTRACE Gold electrode. Gold electrodes have been used in electrochemistry for decades. However, the scTRACE Gold has a very special design. Originally developed to improve the voltammetric determination of arsenic, the electrode has also proven to be suitable for the determination of a number of other elements, such as copper, iron, lead, and even the toxic chromium(VI).
Figure 1.
Close-up view of the gold micro-wire working electrode on the scTRACE Gold.
How does it work?
The working electrode is a gold micro-wire (Figure 1), which is thinner than a human hair. This special form of electrode leads to a very short initial preparation time. Different from other gold electrodes, the scTRACE Gold is ready for use within a few minutes.
Figure 2.
Close-up view of the reference and auxiliary electrode on the rear side of the scTRACE Gold.
Another advantage of this electrode is that it comes with the reference and the auxiliary electrode printed on the rear side of the sensor (Figure 2). That does not only save on costs for the two additional electrodes required in a voltammetric system, it also makes maintenance for the reference electrode obsolete.