요청하신 페이지의 적용되는 국가로 리디렉션되었습니다


Simple CV and EIS test measurements carried out with electrochemical cells for air or moisture sensitive measurements


The TSC SW closed and TSC battery cells are compact systems designed for measurement of air or moisture sensitive materials, such as those materials used in rechargeable batteries. These cells offer well-controlled environment for the in-temperature measurement of solid and gel like materials in contact with metal electrodes in planar geometry. For example, battery active materials, ionically conductive solid-state electrolytes and battery separators can be tested using these cells. In this experiment, standard resistors of 100 Ω are used in both cells to understand the cell effects, if any, on the measurements.


Metrohm Korea Ltd.

서울특별시 송파구 정의로 8길, 9, 5층 (AJ 본관)
