イオンクロマトグラフィ アプリケーション
- AB-395Installation Instruction for Alternative MSM Regeneration Methods
This document describes the recommended equipment and the installation of various MSM suppressor regeneration techniques as well as the method adjustment in MagIC Net.
- AB-387Installation Instruction for ProfIC Vario 11 Anion
This document describes the recommended equipment and the installation of a ProfIC Vario 11 Anion system as well as the method import and handling in MagIC Net.
- AB-386Installation Instruction for ProfIC Vario 10 Anion
This document describes the recommended equipment and the installation of a ProfIC Vario 10 Anion system as well as the method import and handling in MagIC Net.
- AB-382Installation Instruction for ProfIC Vario 8 Cation
This document describes the recommended equipment and the installation of a ProfIC Vario 8 Cation system as well as the method import and handling in MagIC Net.
- AB-381Installation Instruction for ProfIC Vario 8 Anion
This document describes the recommended equipment and the installation of a ProfIC Vario 8 Anion system as well as the method import and handling in MagIC Net.
- AB-396Installation Instruction for a High-Pressure Gradient System
This document describes the recommended equipment and the installation of a High-Pressure Gradient system as well as the method import and handling in MagIC Net.
- AN-S-372イオンクロマトグラフィによるリチウムイオン電池電解質の分析
- AN-S-404EPA 300.1準拠によるイオンクロマトグラフを使用した水の品質管理試験
メトロームのイオンクロマトグラフは、Metrosep A Supp 21カラムと溶離液自動生成装置 948 Continuous IC module CEPを組み合わせることで、水中の主要アニオンと消毒副生成物を効率的に自動分析できます。
- AN-M-015イオンクロマトグラフィによる飲料水中のハロ酢酸、ダラポン、臭素酸の微量分析
飲料水の塩素消毒は発がん性の副生成物を形成する可能性があります。EPA法557は、イオンクロマトグラフィとIC-MS/MS を組み合わせたシステムを使用して、ハロ酢酸を µg/L レベルで定量することを可能にします。
- AB-380Installation Instruction for ProfIC Vario 7 Cation
This document describes the recommended equipment and installation of a Professional IC Vario system with combined MISP techniques of Inline Dilution and Inline Dialysis.