- AN-EC-036Ohmic iR drop Part 3 – Measurement with EIS
This Application Note explains manual and automated iR drop correction with electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and cautions against using less accurate methods.
- AN-EC-034Ion-selective electrodes based on screen-printed technology
Advances in polymeric membranes and screen-printed technologies have enabled miniaturized, portable potentiometric sensors ideal for point-of-care analysis.
- AN-EC-035電気化学測定用バイオセンサーを使用して簡単にできるビールの発酵モニタリング
- AN-BAT-015INTELLOを使用した電池研究での微分容量解析(DCA)
この技術資料では、微分容量解析(DCA)と電池性能向上への応用について解説しています。この実験では、メトロームの電気化学測定装置 INTELLOを使用しています。
- AN-BAT-014Constant current constant voltage (CCCV) cycling with INTELLO
This Application Note explains how researchers can determine the underlying chemistry and potential failure mechanisms from cycle testing batteries with INTELLO.
- WP-095電気化学測定を用いたグリーンアンモニア製造の将来について
- AN-RA-009Comparison of SPELEC RAMAN and standard Raman microscopes
This Application Note compares SPELEC RAMAN and a standard Raman instrument by analyzing their performance in measuring single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT).
- AN-FLU-002蛍光によるバイオ試験インジケーターのメカニズムについて
- AN-EIS-004Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) Part 4 – Equivalent Circuit Models
Explore how to construct simple and complex equivalent circuit models for fitting EIS data in this Application Note. Nyquist plots are shown for each example.
- AN-EIS-003Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) Part 3 – Data Analysis
Here, the most common circuit elements for EIS are introduced which may be assembled in different configurations to obtain equivalent circuits used for data analysis.