Electrochemistry applications
Electrochemistry is applied in many industries, such as energy generation and storage research or corrosion research. Our experts have compiled numerous application documents for electrochemical analyses.
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- AN-EC-036Ohmic iR drop Part 3 – Measurement with EIS
This Application Note explains manual and automated iR drop correction with electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and cautions against using less accurate methods.
- AN-EC-035Using a portable standalone system for easy fermentation monitoring
By using an enzymatic sensor with a screen-printed electrode, producers can measure lactic acid production, thereby monitoring fermentation processes.
- AN-EC-034Ion-selective electrodes based on screen-printed technology
Advances in polymeric membranes and screen-printed technologies have enabled miniaturized, portable potentiometric sensors ideal for point-of-care analysis.
- AN-BAT-015Differential capacity analysis (DCA) for battery research with INTELLO
This Application Note discusses differential capacity analysis (DCA) and its impact on enhancing battery performance, with a focus on using the INTELLO platform.
- AN-BAT-014Constant current constant voltage (CCCV) cycling with INTELLO
This Application Note explains how researchers can determine the underlying chemistry and potential failure mechanisms from cycle testing batteries with INTELLO.
- WP-095The future of manufacturing and commercializing green ammonia with electrochemistry
Free White Paper outlines the fundamental principles of the nitrogen reduction reaction. It then delves into the technical barriers hindering the industrialization of green ammonia production, their impact on final yield and selectivity, and potential strategies or research gaps to overcome these issues.
- AN-RA-009Comparison of SPELEC RAMAN and standard Raman microscopes
This Application Note compares SPELEC RAMAN and a standard Raman instrument by analyzing their performance in measuring single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT).
- AN-EIS-004Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) Part 4 – Equivalent Circuit Models
Explore how to construct simple and complex equivalent circuit models for fitting EIS data in this Application Note. Nyquist plots are shown for each example.
- AN-EIS-009Mott-Schottky Analysis
This Application Note presents the Mott-Schottky measurement, an extension of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), on a popular semiconducting material.
- AN-FLU-002Understanding the mechanism of a bioassay indicator by fluorescence
Alamar Blue is monitored with fluorescence spectroelectrochemistry during its irreversible reduction to resorufin and further reversible reduction to dihydroresorufin.