- 410000001-CChoosing the Most Suitable Laser Wavelength For Your Raman Application
Raman instrumentation can use lasers of different laser excitation, giving the same Raman spectrum for a sample. This paper presents the specific strengths and weaknesses that different excitation wavelengths provide, allowing a user to optimize the measurement of different samples by their choice of Raman excitation laser wavelength.
- 410000002-BCaractérisation atline du noir de carbone à l'aide d'un spectromètre Raman portable
Cet article présente la spectroscopie Raman portable comme outil efficace de caractérisation atline (près de la production) du noir de carbone. L'analyse spectroscopique Raman peut tester efficacement le noir de carbone.
- 410000003-APortable Raman Spectroscopy for the Study of Polymorphs and Monitoring Polymorphic Transitions
Raman spectroscopy is used for material characterization by analyzing molecular or crystal symmetrical vibrations and rotations that are excited by a laser, and exhibit vibrations specific to the molecular bonds and crystal arrangements in the molecules. Raman technology is a valuable tool in distinguishing different polymorphs. Examples of portable Raman spectroscopy for identification of polymorphs and in monitoring the polymorphic transiton of citric acid and its hydrated form are presented.
- 410000004-ARaman Spectroscopy in Archaeological Studies
Portable Raman spectroscopy is an invaluable tool in the study of archaeological sites, allowing for in situ analysis which minimizes the impact of such studies on important cultural sites. The flexibility of the use of a fiber optic probe and tripod-mounted video microscope with a light weight instrument reduces the need for sampling, and increases the ability to make representative measurements over what can be very large sample areas. The information content of Raman spectroscopy aids in the understanding of the materials used in the construction and restoration of important archaeological sites, and in understanding the degradation that is occurring which should aid in preservation and restoration work.
- 410000005-BPortable Raman Instrumentation for SERS Applications
For SERS developers and end users of SERS for specific applications to investigate low concetation levels of compounds, the centerpiece of their technological platform must be a Raman setup that provides reliable lab grade performance and is affordable and portable, allowing them to tackle real world problems. The portable i-Raman Plus system coupled with a BAC151 video microscope sampling accessory provides an ideal setup. With the performance and flexibility of use with different laser spot size and power for SERS research.
- 410000006-BSpectroscopie Raman à basse fréquence
La spectroscopie Raman est un outil analytique de choix pour la mesure des structures moléculaires et l'identification de la composition chimique de matériaux sur la base des modes de rotation et vibratoires des molécules. Au moyen de techniques avancées et d'une conception optique optimisée, la sonde de classe E de la série BAC102 de B&W Tek peut atteindre les modes à basse fréquence jusqu'à 65 cm-1, fournissant des informations clés pour les applications de caractérisation des protéines, de détection et d'identification des polymorphes, ainsi que la détermination de la phase et de la structure des matériaux.
- 410000008-AIdentification de matières premières à travers de multiples sacs de polyéthylène
Le NanoRam est capable de tester des matériaux à travers plusieurs couches de sacs de plastique transparent. Nous avons pu obtenir une identification positive de matériaux sur les sacs de PE de 1 à 9 couches avec une interférence minimale des sacs de PE sur l'identification du matériau.
- 410000009-AIdentification rapide de l'héroïne par spectroscopie Raman portable
La spectroscopie Raman est largement utilisée par les autorités de l'ordre public sur le terrain comme outil de criblage en raison de sa rapidité, sa sélectivité et sa facilité d'utilisation. La majorité des matières peuvent être identifiées par leur signature Raman, car elles comprennent des pics fins et distincts formant une empreinte moléculaire spécifique. Cependant, de nombreux échantillons de terrain du monde réel sont sombres et impurs. La couleur sombre, souvent causée par les impuretés, entraîne une fluorescence qui interfère avec la mesure Raman. Une méthode de suppression de la fluorescence d'un échantillon et d'amélioration de l'activité ou du signal Raman consiste à utiliser la spectroscopie Raman à surface améliorée (Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy ou SERS).
- 410000012-A01Rapid Detection of the Low Dose API in Xanax Using Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy for Anti-Counterfeiting Purposes
The emergence of counterfeit prescription drugs has become a concern for the pharmaceutical industry. Because of the low concentrations of APIs found in pharmaceutical drugs, normal Raman spectroscopy is typically not sensitive enough to detect the API from the surface of a pill. In this study we develop a surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS)-based approach to identify a low-dose of the API alprazolam in a Xanax tablet using a handheld Raman spectrometer. If no SERS peaks consistent with alprazolam are observed from a Xanax tablet, the pill is a suspected fake. The method demonstrates the power of SERS to quickly verify the presence of alprazolam in the tablet for anti-counterfeiting purposes.
- 410000013-AFast and Selective Detection of Trigonelline, a Coffee Quality Marker, Using a Portable Raman Spectrometer
Portable Raman is used to quantify trigonelline, an alkaloid that contributes to the health benefits of some foods. A simple method to quantify the presence of diluted trigonelline in solutions using surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy is described. Portable Raman is a tool that could be used in quality control of food items such as coffee and quinoa.