Hyphenated techniques
Extending the scope of ion chromatography: sophisticated sampling, sensitive detection, or multi-parameter analysis.
Metrohm IC systems can be further extended to include:
- Sophisticated sampling systems (2060 MARGA and PILS)
- Straightforward sample preparation systems (CIC)
- Highly sensitive detection systems (IC-MS, IC-ICP/MS, and more)
- Multiparameter analysis on a single system, e.g. by combining Metrohm IC with titration or voltammetry (TitrIC and VoltIC)
Sophisticated sampling
Online monitoring of ambient air
2060 MARGA (Monitor for AeRosols and Gases in Ambient air) is a dedicated solution for online monitoring of ambient air.
2060 MARGA collects the ionic load (anions and cations) from the aerosol and the gas fraction of a defined volume of ambient air, brings it into solution, and injects it into a dual channel ion chromatograph for subsequent analysis.
Inline Sample Preparation for aerosols
Metrohm AeRosol Sampler «MARS» is a sample preparation module that samples aerosol particles from an air stream and brings them into the aqueous phase.
Subsequently, the water-soluble ionic fraction (anions and cations) can be interfaced with any Metrohm ion chromatograph for multi-parameter analysis of aerosols.
Talk to your Metrohm representative and learn about the best solution for your needs!