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Eluent generators

Automated eluent generation: Faster, safer, more reliable measurements

Manual preparation of eluents is time-consuming, poses safety risks – especially when handling corrosive substances – and is susceptible to human error. Automation effectively addresses these challenges.

Automated eluent generation ensures stable retention times, contamination-free and safe working, and reliable measurement results. High-throughput laboratories can rely on automatic and almost reagent-free eluent production for 24/7 analysis, saving time and money.

Metrohm ion chromatography instruments are known to be robust and reliable. By expanding your system with a module for fully automated eluent generation, you can enhance the efficiency and safety of your lab. Discover more about our eluent generators designed for the automated production of hydroxide eluents and eluents such as carbonate or nitric acid-based below.

948 Continuous Ion Chromatography Module – Production of hydroxide eluents

Automated eluent generation

The 948 Continuous IC Module enables fully automated generation of high-purity hydroxide eluents based on the electrolysis of water. This module is ideal for method development or routine analysis with switching methods. Our solution increases sustainability as it can be reused, less chemicals are needed, and waste is reduced.

Hydroxide eluents are used in a variety of applications from isocratic methods for the determination of major anions to convenient gradient methods for determining oxyhalides. More complex applications, such as analysis of haloacetic acids by hyphenation of ion chromatography with mass spectrometry, are also feasible and profit from high purity, accuracy, and ease-of-use.


Learn more below:

Brochure: Continuous Ion Chromatography Module: Enjoy the benefits of automatic generation of high-purity eluents (8.948.5000, PDF, 1 MB)

Application Note: Water quality testing with EPA 300.1

Webinar: Automatic hydroxide eluent preparation – Overcoming inefficiencies in anion analysis

Automatic hydroxide eluent generation

Benefits of 948 Continuous IC Module

  1. High purity eluent generation
  2. Low running costs: Free choice of chemicals and multiple use of Eluent Producer Cartridge A
  3. For isocratic and easy gradient elution
  4. Extremely low baseline, outstanding linearity, and signal-to-noise ratio
  5. Can be upgraded to all Metrohm IC instruments

941 Eluent Production Module – Production of carbonate and nitric acid-based eluents

941 Eluent Production Module, 29410010

The 941 Eluent Production Module integrates seamlessly with existing ion chromatographic setups of the 940 Professional IC Vario, 930 Compact IC Flex series, and other intelligent Metrohm IC devices, making ion chromatographic analysis more precise and efficient by automatic eluent production. This module eliminates manual dilution steps by producing eluents from a concentrate and ultrapure water in a software-controlled manner. Concentrates can be purchased from Sigma-Aldrich or made individually in the composition as needed for the analysis.

The 941 Eluent Production Module offers high flexibility by allowing the production of up to four different eluents, suiting for a wide range of anion and cation analysis. Continuous level monitoring of various liquid containers is integrated into the software and can perform appropriate actions to ensure uninterrupted operation and consistent performance. Continuous operation with minimal maintenance, delivering stable and contamination-free results, make it a cost-effective add-on for every Metrohm ion chromatograph.

Automatic eluent generation including carbonate or nitric acid-based eluents

Benefits of 941 Eluent Production Module

  1. Up to four eluents can be produced at the same time
  2. Free selection of the eluent
  3. Low maintenance costs
  4. Elimination of manual eluent production procedures
  5. Can be upgraded to all Metrohm IC instruments