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Determining dissolved oxygen in water – Titration or direct measurement?


«Dissolved oxygen» describes the amount of oxygen molecules (O2) which are dissolved in a liquid phase under certain conditions. In this white paper, two different methods for the analysis of dissolved oxygen, titration and direct measurement, are compared and contrasted to help analysts determine which method is more suitable for their specific applications. Here, we primarily focus on the determination of dissolved O2 in water. However, the same principle applies for other liquid phases such as non-alcoholic or alcoholic beverages.

The following topics are addressed by the white paper:

  • What is dissolved oxygen?
  • How to determine the dissolved oxygen content in water
  • Winkler titration (as per ISO 5813, EN 25813, ASTM D888, EN ISO 5815-1, ISO 5815-2)
  • Dissolved oxygen measurement with electrochemical sensors (as per EN ISO 5814, ASTM D6764, EN ISO 5815-1, ISO 5815-2)
  • Measurement using an optical sensor (as per ISO 17289)
  • Pros and cons of the various techniques

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This free white paper explains what dissolved oxygen is and outlines two different methods to analyse dissolved oxygen, titration and direct measurement.


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