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Laboratory vs. process analysis: Key factors for informed decision-making

Jan 29, 2024


Every day, managers in the industrial world face countless difficult questions and must make critical decisions. One of these questions is whether analytical instruments should be placed online/inline (directly in the process) or offline (e.g., in a laboratory facility) for process monitoring and quality control purposes. As knowledge is power, having all of the relevant information is important for managers to make smart decisions based on their individual process circumstances. Ultimately, every process is different and requires customized analytical solutions – which is what Metrohm offers. This blog article discusses the most important factors that plant managers should consider before deciding to implement an online/inline instrument, or whether to use an offline laboratory instrument.

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Data traceability and communication

Plant managers and operators need to stay up-to-date about their processes at all times. It can be quite challenging to handle several different measurement techniques across a production plant or analyze cumulative trends of data coming from multiple sources.