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Metrohm Combustion IC Manual - Quartz

Metrohm Combustion IC Manual - Quartz


  • Overblik over funktioner

The Metrohm Combustion IC Manual - Quartz package enables the analysis of halogens and sulfur in flammable samples of all types using inline combustion digestion (pyrohydrolysis) with subsequent ion chromatography determination (Combustion IC). It comprises all required components, such as the Combustion Oven (TEI) from Trace Elemental Instruments (2.0136.0600), the quartz combustion tube (6.07311.100), the 920 Absorber Module, the 930 Compact IC Flex Oven/SeS/PP/Deg, and the MagIC Net software. If necessary, the Metrohm Combustion IC package can be supplemented with one of the following Autosamplers: Solid Autosampler CIC (TEI), Liquid Autosampler CIC (TEI) or GLS Sampler CIC (TEI).

Få mere at vide Metrohm Combustion IC Manual - Quartz

Brochure: Combustion IC TEI

Brochure: Combustion IC TEI

Brochure: Metrohm Inline Sample Preparation – IC analyses as simple as possible

Brochure: Metrohm Inline Sample Preparation – IC analyses as simple as possible

Kombinerede teknikker

Udvid omfanget af ionkromatografi: sofistikeret prøveudtagning, følsom detektion eller multiparameteranalyse.
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