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930 Compact IC Flex Oven/ChS/PP/Deg

930 Compact IC Flex Oven/ChS/PP/Deg


/ 5.0
74 Reviews på SelectScience
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The 930 Compact IC Flex Oven/ChS/PP/Deg is the intelligent Compact IC instrument with column oven, chemical suppression and a peristaltic pump for suppressor regeneration and built-in degasser. The instrument can be used with any separation and detection methods.

Typical areas of application:

  • Anion determinations with chemical suppression and conductivity detection
  • Organic acids with ion-exclusion chromatography and inverse suppression


Få mere at vide 930 Compact IC Flex Oven/ChS/PP/Deg

Brochure: Metrosep A Supp 21 - Determine oxyhalides in complex sample matrices with ease

Brochure: Metrosep A Supp 21 - Determine oxyhalides in complex sample matrices with ease

Brochure: 930 Compact IC Flex – Compact ion chromatography for routine analysis

Brochure: 930 Compact IC Flex – Compact ion chromatography for routine analysis


930 Compact IC Flex

Enkeltkanals ionkromatograf til rutineanalyse med overlegen følsomhed til analyse af anioner, kationer og polære stoffer.
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