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- AB-405Total base number titration of petroleum products
This Application Bulletin shows the determination of the total base number in petroleum products by applying different titration types according to various standards.
- AN-NIR-097近赤外分析による潤滑油中の全塩基価
エンジン用潤滑油中のアルカリ添加剤は、酸の蓄積を防ぎ、その結果として腐食を阻害するために使用されます。全塩基価(TBN)は潤滑油中に存在する塩基性添加剤の量を示し、したがって潤滑油の劣化の尺度として用いることができます。近赤外 (NIR) 分析計は、いかなる化学廃棄物も出さず、1分以内で全塩基価(TBN)分析を完了できます。
- AN-T-097Base number in petroleum products with potentiometric titration
Basic chemicals are added to petroleum products to prevent corrosion as they neutralize acidic components that form during the use and aging of these products. The base number (BN) gives an indication regarding the amount of these basic additives present, and it can be used as a measure for the degradation of the petroleum product.This Application Note describes the potentiometric determination of the base number according to ISO 3771, ASTM D2896, and IP 276 using the Metrohm Solvotrode easyClean and a fully automated OMNIS system.