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Coping with the daily challenges of routine water analysis

11.07.2022 г.


Analyzing different types of water samples on a regular basis presents several challenges for analysts. Depending on the type of lab (e.g., municipal or water bottling facilities), the number of samples to be analyzed can vary significantly. Every day such laboratories receive hundreds of samples that must go through pH, conductivity, and alkalinity testing, among others. If additional tests are requested on top of that workload, the lab team must carry out all of them as quickly as possible—while delivering reliable results.

beverage bottling facility

Another possibility is that some water samples must be analyzed according to different international standards, as the final product may be shipped to different countries, as in the case of beverage production. Sample preparation can be quite tedious and error-prone when it must be carried out for hundreds of samples every day, especially when the sample size for various tests differs significantly. 

A high number of samples already presents a challenge for laboratories. Once this number reaches the point where it is not possible for a single analyst to carry out all determinations of one type, slight differences in the results will appear as each lab member treats the sample slightly differently. More analysts working on the routine samples introduces more bias, and this can be plainly seen in the variability between results.

Due to the sheer number of samples to be analyzed on a daily basis, automation is the key in order to deal with all of these obstacles. The goal is to automate the routine application process as much as possible, including sample preparation as well as the combination of different techniques within one system to make the workload easier. Most drinking water samples must be analyzed for conductivity, pH, and alkalinity. Sample throughput is always a very important consideration for water quality laboratories. Therefore, analyses should be carried out in parallel to save time because of the high sample load. 
