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Determination of adsorbable organically bound halogens by combustion ion chromatography (DIN 38409-59)

Robust and fast determination of AOCl, AOBr, AOI, and AOF in water samples with combustion ion chromatography

Adsorbable organically bound halogens (AOX) and their degradation products pose a serious risk to human health. They possess toxic, mutagenic, and carcinogenic characteristics, are ubiquitous and persistent, and accumulate in the food chain and in the environment. To ensure good water quality and reduce the risk of contamination, it is of high importance to monitor AOX in drinking, surface and wastwater.

DIN 38409-59 describes combustion ion chromatography (combustion IC or CIC) as a standardized and validated analysis method for fast, reliable, and robust determination of the sum parameter CIC-AOX(CI) as well as the single fractions AOCl, AOBr, AOI, and AOF. Download the free white paper below to learn more about DIN 38409-59.

Fast assessment of adsorbable organically bound halogens (AOX) in water samples

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This free white paper presents combustion ion chromatography as a reliable and fast method to accurately determine the sum parameter CIC-AOX(CI), including its individual fractions AOCl, AOI, and AOBr, as well as AOF according to DIN 38409-59.

Benefits of AOX determination by CIC

According to DIN 38409-59

  1. AOCl, AOBr, AOI, and AOF can be determined separately, as well as the sum parameter CIC-AOX(CI)
  2. Full control of combustion and IC with a single software
  3. Automation increases repeatability and efficiency
  4. Full combustion IC system from one supplier
  5. CIC is straightforward, robust, and easy to use

Monitoring forever chemicals with combustion IC

Historically, microcoulometric titration has been utilized to determine the AOX content. However, this method does not provide individual results for AOCl, AOBr, or AOI and it does not cover AOF at all. AOF is an important sum parameter to measure per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFASs) more commonly known as «forever chemicals». Download the white paper below to learn more about AOF screening with combustion ion chromatography.

Non-targeted screening of adsorbable organically bound flourine (AOF)

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This free white paper covers the general history of per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFASs), how they can enter the food chain, and how they affect our health. It presents regulations and targeted analysis methods suggested for determination of synthetic organofluorine compounds, and how the sum parameter of adsorbable organically bound fluorine (AOF) is a better choice for non-targeted screening of water samples for PFASs.