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Total PFAS analysis using Combustion Ion Chromatography

77 min


// Environmental

Iris Reber and Theresa Steurer from the Competence Center Ion Chromatography at Metrohm International Headquarters and Dr. Leo Yeung from Örebro University in Sweden present Combustion Ion Chromatography (CIC) as an innovative and robust solution for rapid and straightforward screening of environmental samples for adsorbable organofluorine (AOF) and/or extractable organofluorine (EOF).

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Combustion ion chromatography for PFAS analysis

Big factory close to a river

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) include highly persistent compounds that pose serious environmental concerns. Total PFAS analysis by CIC can provide an accurate picture of the overall PFAS contamination level before more expensive and time-consuming analytical methods are deployed for targeted analysis of specific PFASs.

CIC is a fully automated technique and can be a valuable tool for public authorities and any laboratories in general tasked with PFAS monitoring and the identification of hotspots. Combustion IC is an established method to determine halogens and sulfur in matrices ranging from solids to viscous, liquid, and gaseous samples.

DIN 38409-59 describes CIC as a standardized and validated analysis method for fast, reliable, and robust determination of the sum parameter CIC-AOX(CI) as well as the single fractions AOCl, AOBr, AOI, and AOF.

Learn more about combustion IC

Learn more about DIN 38409-59

Download free white paper

This free white paper presents combustion ion chromatography as a reliable and fast method to accurately determine the sum parameter AOX, including its individual fractions AOCl, AOI, and AOBr, as well as AOF according to DIN 38409-59.

Metrohm IC: More than 30 years of experience

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Metrohm IC covers simple setups for academic laboratories to fully automated, high-performance ion chromatography systems and hyphenated techniques such as IC-MS or IC-ICP/MS. The portfolio includes detectors, inline sample preparation techniques as well as the heart of ion chromatography itself: the separation columns.

Rely on Swiss-made quality and benefit from our global presence in over 80 countries for local support by our service and application experts.

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