Chuyển hướng tin nhắn

Our customers are as diverse as our solutions. With over 80 years of experience as a provider of high-quality analytical instruments, we do not easily shy away from any challenges. Hear our customers' stories and learn more about their experience with us and our instruments.

Matthias Grandel, Team Leader Quality Control, Hauff-Technik with MIRA XTR


Polymer ID verification in under two minutes

Hauff-Technik GmbH & Co. KG is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of cable, pipe, and line bushings. They use the handheld Raman spectrometer MIRA XTR for simple, fast, and accurate identification of the incoming polymer pellets.


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Metrohm voltammetry instruments for underwater metal detection: 910 PSTAT mini


Flexible and reliable electrochemical recycling

ESy-Labs has specialized in the electrosynthesis of raw materials from waste. To accurately compare potential electrode materials, ESy-Labs relies on the PGSTAT204 from Metrohm Autolab.


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Quality control of water in Europe's largest shrimp farm

SwissShrimp AG is the largest shrimp farm in Europe – located in Switzerland. They implemented a highly automated and precise ion chromatography system from Metrohm to reliably monitor the seawater components.


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