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OMNIS NIRS: An efficiency boost for your laboratory


Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is an analytical technique used to determine multiple parameters in samples quickly without requiring any chemicals. Determinations can be performed in liquids, pastes, and solids with this non-destructive method.

Many industries benefit from using NIRS in their laboratory workflows. Time and cost savings are two of the most convincing arguments for adopting NIRS in the laboratory. It is also easy to use, even for non-technical operators.

This White Paper discusses the concept and benefits of NIR spectroscopy, supplemented with the use of the Metrohm NIR solution, OMNIS NIRS, in several real-life laboratory application examples.

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This White Paper presents the basics and benefits of NIR spectroscopy and discusses applications from the petrochemical, food and beverage, semiconductor, and pharmaceutical industries to demonstrate the unique functionalities of OMNIS NIRS in different situations.