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A Guide to Li-ion Battery Research and Development

Tóm tắt

The commercialization of Li-ion batteries in 1991 was the culmination of in-depth R&D conducted by scientists and engineers around the globe over the preceding few decades. Further development of Li-ion batteries and alternative rechargeable batteries has continued until today. As the world is rapidly moving towards a new era defined by green technologies, more practical and accurate R&D is required in order to meet the increasing demands for energy storage systems, specifically from the automotive industry. This white paper presents the basics of the Li-ion battery technology and guides the reader through the relevant techniques and terminologies in Li-ion battery research.

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This white paper provides information about relevant techniques and terminologies including components of a Li-ion battery, active materials and mechanisms, and exploration techniques.

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Ứng dụng này được gắn thẻ là

// Batteries, fuel cells