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Amperometric detection – a detection method for complex analytical tasks

Tóm tắt

Ion chromatography is used as a high-performance analysis method in numerous applications. For complex analysis tasks, alternative detectors such as the amperometric detector or the UV/VIS detector are often also used in addition to the conductivity detector. This article describes the areas of utilization of the amperometric detector.


Catchword: Antibiotics

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Metrohm Viet Nam

Phan Dinh Giot
70000 Ho Chi Minh

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Ứng dụng này được gắn thẻ là

// Amino acids, cellulose, lignin, proteins// Food – plant sources// Plating baths – other metals// Clinical samples – blood, sweat, urine, hair, etc.// Biological substances// Tablets, capsules, pharmaceutical powders// Food – liquid food, functional food// Food – dairy// Food – animal sources// Antibiotics