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Voltammetric determination of gold(I) in gold plating baths

Gold plating bath analysis with the Multi-Mode Electrode pro


In the metal plating industry, particularly during gold electroplating, the meticulous control and determination of gold(I) concentration in the gold plating bath is critical. This not only ensures a high quality and consistent thin layer of gold, but also plays a significant role in optimizing the efficiency and cost of gold plating.

The conversion of Au(I) to pure gold metal is relatively simple and efficient, using one unit of electricity per mole of gold deposited. However, when Au(III) forms and accumulates in the gold bath, it significantly lowers the current efficiency because the reduction of Au(III) to gold metal requires three units per mole. A lower fraction of Au(I) leads to inefficient use of electricity and gold, making the process more costly and less sustainable.

Voltammetric analysis using the Multi-Mode Electrode pro emerges as a highly effective tool, offering a direct and straightforward method for the determination of gold(I) in both cyanide and sulfite gold plating baths without the need for time-consuming sample preparation.


Gold cyanide bath
Gold sulfite bath


884 Professional VA manual for MME
Figure 1. 884 Professional VA manual for MME

Add the electrolyte solution into the measuring vessel and degas it for 5 min. In the next step, add the gold plating bath sample. The determination is carried out using the parameters listed in Table 1. Quantification is done with the 884 Professional VA manual for MME (Figure 1) using two Au(I) standard solutions.

Table 1. Parameters
Parameter Setting
Mode DME
Start potential -0.9 V
End potential -1.75 V
Sweep rate 15 mV/s
Peak potential Au(I) -1.45 V


  • Multi-Mode Electrode pro


Determination of Au(I) in a gold sulfite plating bath,  β(Au(I)) = 12.1 g/L
Figure 2. Determination of Au(I) in a gold sulfite plating bath, β(Au(I)) = 12.1 g/L

Figure 2 presents results of Au(I) determination in a gold sulfite plating bath.

Table 2. Result
Sample Au(I) in g/L
Gold cyanide plating bath 1.6
Gold sulfite plating bath 12.1
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Tòa nhà Park IX, số 08 Đường Phan Đình Giót, Phường 2, Quận Tân Bình
Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh

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Internal references: AW CH4-0498-052010, AW CH4-0412-082004