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dAquatrode Plus with Pt1000

dAquatrode Plus with Pt1000


  • Genel özellikler
  • Teknik özellikler

Digital, combined pH electrode for OMNIS, with integrated Pt1000 temperature sensor, for pH measurements/titrations in ion-deficient aqueous media (e.g., drinking water, process water). This electrode shows a very short response time in these samples.
The fixed ground-joint diaphragm is insensitive to contamination.
When c(KCl) = 3 mol/L is used as bridge electrolyte, storage in storage solution is recommended.
The bridge electrolyte can be easily replaced with a chloride-free electrolyte (e.g., potassium nitrate c(KNO3) = 1 mol/L (6.2310.010)). Storage in the bridge electrolyte used.
dTrodes can be used on OMNIS Titrators.

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