- 8.000.6039Mercury and arsenic speciation analysis by IC-ICP/MS
By means of IC-ICP/MS, different valence states of arsenic and mercury in the form of inorganic and organic species can be sensitively and unambiguously identified in one single run. Determination of common arsenic species in biological matrices is straightforward and can be performed down to the sub-ppb level.Species transformations of mercury that occur during several sample preparation techniques, however, require the use of specific isotope dilution mass spectrometry (SIDMS). This work illustrates the decisive advantage that Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method 6800 (SIDMS) offers for studying the transformations of mercury species during sample preparation of fish tissue samples. Because of the unique features and benefits of EPA Method 6800, it is expected that utilization of SIDMS will increase and that this valuable tool for optimizing and validating trace-metals-speciated sample preparation will gain much wider acceptance by analytical chemists.
- 8.000.6085Monitoring of iodine- and gadolinium-containing contrast media in water treatment plants
The combination of ion chromatography (IC) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP/MS) provides a rapid, reliable, and sensitive speciation analysis of wastewater-relevant free and complexed gadolinium compounds. IC-ICP/MS proceeds without costly sample preparation and provides important information on the supply, degradation, and fate of the contrast agents in the (waste)water. The method is also highly suitable for determining compounds containing gadolinium in biological matrixes such as urine or blood.Additionally, IC-ICP/MS is a powerful tool for monitoring inorganic and iodine-containing ionic oxidation byproducts that form during ozonation of iodinated X-contrast media.
- AN-EC-031Monitoring ferrocyanide oxidation using hyphenated EC-Raman
This Application Note highlights the use of Metrohm Hyphenated EC-Raman Solutions to monitor the reversible oxidation of ferrocyanide at a gold electrode. Variations of the band intensities with the potential can be used to track relative changes in the concentration profile of ferrocyanide and ferricyanide at the surface of the electrode during cyclic voltammetry (CV).
- AN-H-142Determination of metal-organic compounds
Metal-organic compounds are commonly used in organic chemistry, for example as Grignard reagents or as strong bases (e.g., butyl lithium compounds). The knowledge of the exact content of reactive species allows to better plan the required amounts for reactions preventing the waste of material or too low yields.This Application Note describes the analysis of metal organics by thermometric titration using 2-butanol as titrant. Due to the strongly exothermic nature of the reaction between 2-butanol with metal-organic compounds, a fast and quantitative analysis of these substances is possible.
- TA-023Investigation of MRT contrast media containing gadolinium by means of IC-ICP/MS analysis
This article describes the investigation using ion chromatography and subsequent inductively coupled plasma mass spectronomy (ICP/MS) to determine the extent to which the iron(III) flocculation carried out in the context of wastewater treatment releases toxic gadolinium(III) ions as the result of recomplexing.