- AB-264Titrimetric methods for the determination of betains
The two potentiometric titration methods described here allow the determination of the content of commercial betaine solutions. Neither method is suitable for determining the betaine content of formulations. The possibilities and limits of both methods are described and distinctive features and possible sources of interference are mentioned. The Bulletin explains the most important theoretical principles and is intended to help users to develop their own product-specific titration methods.
- AB-265Hamilton PRP-X100 IC anion column (6.1005.000)
This Bulletin describes the determination by ion chromatography of anions, particularly fluoride, chloride, nitrite, bromide, nitrate, and sulfate using the Hamilton PRPX100 IC anion column without chemical suppression.
- AB-266Determination of titanium by adsorptive stripping voltammetry
This Application Bulletin describes the determination of titanium by adsorptive stripping voltammetry (AdSV) using mandelic acid as complexing agent. The method is suitable for the analysis of ground, drinking, sea, surface and cooling waters, in which the concentration of titanium is of importance. The methods can, of course, also be used for the trace analysis in other matrices.The limit of detection is approx. 0.5 µg/L.
- AB-268Potentiometric titration of surfactants and pharmaceuticals – an overview
The present Bulletin offers an overview of the multitude of surfactants and pharmaceuticals that can be determined with potentiometric titration. Metrohm provides five different surfactant electrodes for indicating the titration endpoint: the Ionic Surfactant, the High Sense, the Surfactrode Resistant, the Surfactrode Refill and the NIO Surfactant electrode. The manufacture of the respective titrants and their titer determination are described in detail. In addition to this, the Bulletin contains a tabular overview of more than 170 proven applications from the area of surfactant and pharmaceutical analysis. This guideline leads you reliably to your destination: At a glance you can see from the table which surfactant electrode and which titrant are optimally suitable for your product.
- AB-269Potentiometric determination of ionic surfactant through two-phase titration with the Surfactrode
On the basis of a multitude of practical examples, this Bulletin describes the potentiometric two-phase titration of ionic surfactants in raw materials and many other formulations.Two surfactant electrodes – the Surfactrode Resistant and the Surfactrode Refill – make it possible to perform this type of surfactant titration, analogous to the classic "Epton titration", with a high degree of automation. The achieved results correlate very well with those of Epton titration. The toxic, carcinogenic and environmentally hazardous chloroform can be replaced by other solvents such as methyl iosbutyl ketone or n-hexane.
- AB-275Potentiometric two-phase titration of anionic surfactants in washing powder and liquid detergent
Two-phase titration with potentiometric indication is a universal method for the determination of ionic surfactants in detergents. The results obtained are comparable to those with the classic two-phase titration in accordance with Epton (mixed indicator system disulfine blue / dimidium bromide). The present Bulletin addresses various parameters that could have an influence on potentiometric surfactant titration. The information provided makes it possible for the user to determine precisely the anionic surfactant content in practically all formulations.
- AB-280Automatic Karl Fischer water content determination with the 874 Oven Sample Processor
Generally speaking, the gas extraction or oven method can be used for all samples which release their water when they are heated up. The oven method is indispensable in cases in which the direct volumetric or coulometric Karl Fischer titration is not possible, either because the sample contains disruptive components or because the consistency of the sample makes it very difficult or even impossible to transfer it into the titration vessel.The present Application Bulletin describes automatic water content determination with the aid of the oven technique and coulometric KF titration, using samples from the food, plastic, pharmaceutical and petrochemical industry.
- AB-298Automated sodium determination in various foods with 859 Titrotherm
In an acidic solution (containing NH4F * HF, Al(NO3)3 / KNO3) sodium forms NaK2AlF6 which precipitates in an exothermic solution, enabling analysis by thermometric titration. Several foods were analyzed, namely bouillon, gravy, tomato ketchup, corn chips, pretzel sticks as well as crackers. The reproducibility of the results was good. After weighing in and adding solutions, samples were crushed with a polytron to ensure homogeneity in the measuring solution. Relative standard deviations were between 0.08% and 3.75%. In addition to this application bulletin, you can find more information on thermometric sodium determination in foods in our application video available on YouTube:https://youtu.be/lnCp9jBxoEs
- AB-304Titration of whole blood and blood plasma for acid-base analysis according to Joergensen and Stirum
The presented Application Bulletin describes the apparatus and methods that are used for acid-base analysis of whole blood and blood plasma by Joergensen and Stirum. Evaluation of the measured data is performed with a software sold by Komstar AG.
- AB-305Check of surfactant electrodes
This Application Bulletin describes methods for checking the condition of electrodes for surfactant titration. For testing electrodes used for ionic surfactant titration (Ionic Surfactant electrodes), sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) is determined using TEGO®trant. Conversely, for testing electrodes used for cationic surfactant titration (Cationic Surfactant electrodes), TEGO®trant is titrated with SDS.For non-ionic surfactant electrodes (NIO surfactant electrode), PEG 1000 is titrated with sodium tetraphenylborate (STPB).For testing Surfactrode Resistant and Surfactrode Refill electrodes, titrations of SDS with TEGO®trant are performed. Suitable criteria for the test are the height of the potential jump and the shape of the titration curve.Key word: NaPh4B
- AB-307Determination of sulfate in granular phosphate fertilizers with 859 Titrotherm
Sulfate can be rapidly and easily titrated thermometrically using a standard solution of Ba2+ as titrant. In industry, the widespread procedure is applied to the determination of sulfate in wet-process phosphoric acid. This bulletin deals with the determination of sulfate in granular fertilizers such as MAP (monoammonium phosphate), DAP (diammonium phosphate) and TSP (triple superphosphate). Results are reported as percentage of elemental sulfur, %S.
- AB-308Determination of sulfate in phosphoric acid (liquid fertilizer samples) with 859 Titrotherm
Sulfate can be rapidly and easily titrated thermometrically using a standard solution of Ba2+ as titrant. In industry, the widespread procedure is applied to the determination of sulfate in wet-process phosphoric acid.
- AB-313Analysis of Bayer process liquors using thermometric titration
The determination of the total causticizer, sodium carbonate and aluminum oxide contents in (Bayer) process liquors can be accomplished with high precision and speed by using the 859 Titrotherm in a thermometric acid-base titration. A complete titration takes approximately 5 minutes.The procedure is an automated adaptation of the traditional Watts-Utley method, and is similar to the VanDalen-Ward thermometric titration method, but with the added advantage that the analysis can also be performed for the carbonate content of the liquor.
- AB-314Determination of total phosphate in phosphoric acid and phosphate fertilizers with 859 Titrotherm
Phosphate can be rapidly and easily titrated thermometrically using a standard solution of Mg2+ as titrant. The phosphate-containing solution is basified and buffered with NH3/NH4Cl solution before titration. The formation of insoluble MgNH4PO4 is exothermic. The method is a titrimetric adaptation of a classical gravimetric procedure. This bulletin deals with the determination of phosphate in phosphoric acid and granular fertilizers such as MAP (monoammonium phosphate), DAP (diammonium phosphate) and TSP (triple superphosphate). Results are reported as percentage of P and P2O5.
- AB-315Determination of free fatty acids (FFA) in edible oils with 859 Titrotherm
In titration, the titrant reacts with the analyte either exothermically (gives off heat) or endothermically (absorbs heat). The Thermoprobe measures the temperature change during titration. When all of the analyte has reacted with the titrant, the temperature of the solution will change, and the endpoint of the titration is indicated by an inflection in the temperature curve. Catalytically enhanced titrations using paraformaldehyde as catalyst are based on the endothermic hydrolysis of the paraformaldehyde in the presence of excess hydroxide ions. Edible oils are dissolved in a mixture of toluene and 2-propanol (1:1) and titrated with standardized TBAH (0.01 mol/L) in 2-propanol to a catalytically enhanced endpoint.
- AB-316Determination of phosphoric acid in liquid fertilizer with 859 Titrotherm
The phosphoric acid content can be easily titrated with a standardized solution of 2 mol/L NaOH. The interfering calcium content in phosphoric fertilizer can be eliminated by adding a saturated oxalate solution.
- AB-317Determination of iron in the µg/L-range by polarography
This Application Bulletin describes two methods for the determination of iron at the Multi Mode Electrode.Method 1, the polarographic determination at the DME, is recommended for concentrations of β(Fe) > 200 μg/L. For this method the linear range is up to β(Fe) = 800 μg/L.For concentrations < 200 μg/LMethod 2, the voltammetric determination at the HMDE, is to be preferred. The detection limit for this method is β(Fe) = 2 μg/L, the limit of quantification is β(Fe) = 6 μg/L. The sensitivity of the method cannot be increased by deposition.Iron(II) and iron(III) have the same sensitivity for both methods.These methods have been elaborated for the determination of iron in water samples. For water samples with high calcium and magnesium concentrations such as, for example, seawater, a slightly modified electrolyte is used in order to prevent precipitation of the corresponding metal hydroxides. The methods can also be used for samples with organic loading (wastewater, beverages, biological fluids, pharmaceutical or crude oil products) after appropriate digestion.
- AB-322Fully automated potentiometric determination of the hydroxyl number (HN) according to ASTM E1899 and DIN EN ISO 4629-2
The presented titration system can be used for the fully automated determination of the hydroxyl number (HN) according to ASTM E1899 and EN ISO 4629-2. The method allows, the determination of polyols and oxooils without boiling under reflux or other sample preparation and is therefore a big benefit for laboratories that have to cope with a high sample throughput.The standards EN 15168 and DIN 53240-3 relay on the same analysis method as in ASTM E1899.
- AB-340Bromine index (BI) by coulometric titration
This bulletin describes a procedure to determine the bromine index (BI) using coulometric titration. The bromine index is the fraction of reactive unsaturated compounds (mostly C=C double bonds) in hydrocarbons encountered in the petrochemical industry. The double bonds are split with the attachment addition of bromine.
- AB-342Automated calcium and magnesium determination in milk using 859 Titrotherm and 814 USB Sample Processor
This bulletin deals with the automated determination of calcium and magnesium in commercially available finished milk products using a 859 Titrotherm and a 814 USB Sample Processor. Calcium and magnesium in milk can be rapidly and easily titrated thermometrically using a standard solution of Na4EDTA as titrant.Thermometric titrations are conducted under conditions of constant titrant addition rate. The molarity of the titrant is computed automatically in tiamo (software) using the SLO command. Results are reported as mg Ca and Mg/100 mL.
- AB-343Automated sodium determination in milk using 859 Titrotherm and 814 USB Sample Processor
This bulletin discusses automated determination of sodium in milk products available to the public using a 859 Titrotherm and a 814 USB Sample Processor. The sodium content of milk can be rapidly and easily titrated thermometrically with a standard solution of Al3+ as titrant. Thermometric titrations are conducted under conditions of constant titrant addition rate. The molarity of the titrant is computed automatically in tiamoTM (software) with the SLO command. Results are reported as mg Na/100 mL. In addition to this application bulletin, you can find more information on thermometric sodium determination in foods in our application video available on YouTube:https://youtu.be/lnCp9jBxoEs
- AB-344Automated analysis of etch acid mixtures using the 859 Titrotherm and the 814 USB Sample Processor
This bulletin deals with the automated determination of mixtures of HNO3, HF and H2SiF6 in the range of approximately 200-600 g/L HNO3, 50-160 g/L HF, and 0-185 g/L H2SiF6 using thermometric titration.Etch acid mixtures containing HNO3, HF and H2SiF6 from the etching of silicon substrates can be analyzed in a sequence of two determinations using the 859 Titrotherm. The first determination involves a direct titration with standard c(NaOH) = 2 mol/L, followed by a back titration with c(HCl) = 2 mol/L. This determination yields the H2SiF6 content plus a value for the combined (HNO3+HF) contents. The second determination consists of a titration with c(Al3+) = 0.5 mol/L to determine the HF content. For freshly made up mixtures of HNO3 and HF containing no H2SiF6, a linked two-titration sequence is employed. Results from the two determinations are used by tiamoTM to yield individual results for HNO3, HF and H2SiF6.
- AB-348Installation Instruction for a Low-Pressure Gradient System
This document describes the recommended equipment and the installation of a Low-Pressure Gradient system as well as the method import and handling in MagIC Net.
- AB-349Installation Instruction for a Dose-in Gradient System
This document describes the recommended equipment and the installation of a Dose-in gradient system as well as the method import and handling in MagIC Net.
- AB-358Analysis of residual moisture in a lyophilized pharmaceutical product by near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS)
This Application Bulletin describes the method of near-infrared spectroscopy in diffuse reflection for the purpose of determining residual moisture in a lyophilized pharmaceutical product. Numerous sample vials containing freeze-dried pharmaceuticals were spiked with varying amounts of water for calibration purposes. The resulting differences in the absorption wavelengths of the OH-oscillation were correlated with the water content determined by Karl Fischer titration using the algorithm of multiple linear regression (MLR).
- AB-359Installation Instruction for ProfIC Vario 1 Anion
This document describes the recommended equipment and the installation of a Professional IC Vario system with sequential suppression for anion or cation determination.
- AB-360Installation Instruction for ProfIC Vario 1 Cation
This document describes the recommended equipment and the installation of a non-suppressed IC system as well as the method import and handling in MagIC Net.
- AB-361Installation Instruction for ProfIC Vario 1 AnCat
This document describes the recommended equipment and the installation of a ProfIC Vario 1 AnCat system as well as the method import and handling in MagIC Net.
- AB-362Installation Instruction for ProfIC Vario 1 UV/VIS
This document describes the recommended equipment and the installation of a ProfIC Vario 1 UV/VIS system as well as the method import and handling in MagIC Net.
- AB-363Installation instructions for ProfIC Vario 1 PCR-UV/VIS
This document describes the equipment needed and how to install a ProfIC Vario 1 UV/VIS system with PCR as well as the method import and handling in MagIC Net.
- AB-364Installation instructions for ProfIC Vario 1 Amperometry
This document describes the required equipment, how to install a ProfIC Vario 1 system with amperometric detection, plus method import and handling in MagIC Net.
- AB-376Installation Instruction for ProfIC Vario 6 Anion
This document describes the recommended equipment and installation of a ProfIC Vario 6 Anion system with a combination of Inline Dilution and Inline Ultrafiltration.
- AB-377Installation instructions for ProfIC Vario 6 Cation
Learn how to install a ProfIC Vario 6 Cation system for non-suppressed cation or anion determination with Inline Dilution and Inline Ultrafiltration in this document.
- AB-378Installation Instruction for ProfIC Vario 6 AnCat
This document describes the recommended equipment and installation of a ProfIC Vario 6 AnCat system with a combination of Inline Dilution and Inline Ultrafiltration.
- AB-379Installation Instruction for ProfIC Vario 7 Anion
This document describes the recommended equipment and installation of a Professional IC Vario system with combined MISP techniques of Inline Dilution and Inline Dialysis.
- AB-380Installation Instruction for ProfIC Vario 7 Cation
This document describes the recommended equipment and installation of a Professional IC Vario system with combined MISP techniques of Inline Dilution and Inline Dialysis.
- AB-381Installation Instruction for ProfIC Vario 8 Anion
This document describes the recommended equipment and the installation of a ProfIC Vario 8 Anion system as well as the method import and handling in MagIC Net.
- AB-382Installation Instruction for ProfIC Vario 8 Cation
This document describes the recommended equipment and the installation of a ProfIC Vario 8 Cation system as well as the method import and handling in MagIC Net.
- AB-386Installation Instruction for ProfIC Vario 10 Anion
This document describes the recommended equipment and the installation of a ProfIC Vario 10 Anion system as well as the method import and handling in MagIC Net.
- AB-387Installation Instruction for ProfIC Vario 11 Anion
This document describes the recommended equipment and the installation of a ProfIC Vario 11 Anion system as well as the method import and handling in MagIC Net.
- AB-395Installation Instruction for Alternative MSM Regeneration Methods
This document describes the recommended equipment and the installation of various MSM suppressor regeneration techniques as well as the method adjustment in MagIC Net.
- AB-396Installation Instruction for a High-Pressure Gradient System
This document describes the recommended equipment and the installation of a High-Pressure Gradient system as well as the method import and handling in MagIC Net.
- AB-400Installation instructions for VoltIC Professional 1
VoltIC Professional 1 is an all-in-one solution for the fully automated analysis of anions, cations, and heavy metals using ion chromatography and voltammetry. This document describes the installation of the VoltIC Professional 1.
- AB-401Installation instruction: Professional CVS systems semiautomated
This Application Bulletin contains installation instructions for semiautomated CVS setups used to measure suppressors, brighteners, and levelers in electroplating baths.
- AB-402Installation instructions for MVA-20: 894 Professional CVS fully automated for CVS determinations
The «MVA-20» is a fully automated system for the determination of suppressor, brightener, and leveler in plating solutions in small sample series.
- AB-403Installation instructions for MVA-21/MVA-23: 894 Professional CVS or 884 Professional VA fully automated for CVS determinations
This Application Bulletin contains the installation instructions for the MVA-21/MVA-23. This is a fully automated system for the determination of suppressors, brighteners, and levelers in electroplating baths.
- AB-404Total acid number titration of petroleum products
The determination of the acid number plays a significant role in the analysis of petroleum products. This is manifested in the numerous standard procedures in use over the world (internal specifications of multinational companies, national and international specifications of ASTM, DIN, IP, ISO, etc.). These procedures differ mainly in the composition of the used solvents and titrants.This bulletin describes the determination of the acid number in petroleum products by applying different types of titration.The potentiometric determination is described according to ASTM D664, the photometric according to ASTM D974 and the thermometric titration according to ASTM D8045.
- AB-405Total base number titration of petroleum products
This Application Bulletin shows the determination of the total base number in petroleum products by applying different titration types according to various standards.
- AB-407Automated volumetric Karl Fischer titration with MATi 10
This Application Bulletin provides information regarding the MATi 10 (Metrohm Automated Titration) system. MATi 10 is a completely configured system for automatic volumetric Karl Fischer titration with which the water content in liquid and solid samples can be determined. Up to 24 samples can be analyzed directly in 75 mL titration vessels. The samples are weighed into the titration vessels and covered with an aluminum foil. This prevents falsification of the water content.
- AB-408Oxidation stability of fats and oils in solid foods using the Rancimat method
The oxidation stability of fats and oils is an important parameter for quality controls in the food industry. Ideally, the determination is made with the Rancimat method, which is suitable for both liquid and solid samples. Its determination takes place directly in the sample or, in cases where this is not possible, in the extracted fat following cold extraction.