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Monitoring wastewater more effectively with colorimetric online analysis

57 min


// Process analysis

Kraig R. Kmiotek,  Product Specialist Process Analytics at Metrohm USA, explains how wastewater quality can be analyzed efficiently and accurately with colorimetric online analysis and provides application examples.

The advantages of process analytics

Metrohm Process Analytics, Process Service Engineer, chemical industry, 2060 Process Analyzer, training customer, petrochemical refinery, on-site training

Process analysis offers many advantages compared to benchtop solutions, such as:

  • Real-time analysis results
  • Increased measuring frequency
  • Improved accuracy and precision
  • No analysis subjectivity

If you are unsure about moving your lab analysis online or inline, read the following blog article for more information:

Laboratory vs. process analysis

Metrohm offers process analyzers for titration, ion chromatography, electrochemistry, and spectroscopy.

Learn more about our process analyzers