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Avancerade moduler för anpassad pH-, jon- och konduktivitetsmätning.
Eco KF Titrator
Hög kvalitet, lågt pris: tillverkad i Schweiz, prisvärd lösning för rutinmässig volymetrisk Karl Fischer-titrering.
2060 Raman Analyzer
Unleashing analytical precision for comprehensive process monitoring
2060 RISE
An inline Raman spectroscopy sensor to elevate your process analysis
2060 TI Processanalysator för titrering
Integrerad lösning för övervakning online, dygnet runt av kritiska kemiska parametrar i industriella processer och avloppsvattenströmmar med titrering, pH, ISE, konduktivitet, coulometri eller fotometriska metoder
Eco Titrator
Schweizisk kvalitet till ett överkomligt pris? Den här potentiometriska titratorn erbjuder mer än så.
Kopplade tekniker
Utöka räckvidden för jonkromatografi: sofistikerad provtagning, känslig detektion eller multiparameteranalys.
KF Coulometrar
Att bestämma låg fukt- och vattenhalt i prover är inget problem för dessa coulometrar.
Mobila potentiostater
Kombinera elektrokemisk forskning i laboratoriet med testning i fält: Använd väletablerade elektrokemiska tekniker för att bibehålla de högsta nivåerna av mätkvalitet och noggrannhet.
Handhållen Raman för fältidentifiering av kemikalier, sprängämnen, narkotika och många andra giftiga industrikemikalier och material.
947 Professional UV/VIS Detector Vario SWAs an intelligent, single-wavelength detector, the 947 Professional UV/VIS Detector Vario SW permits a secure and reliable quantification of substances active in the ultraviolet or visible range. One wavelength can be selected.
949 pH Meter without electrodeDiscover the 949 pH Tabletop Meter – Your compact pH measuring instrument for quick and reliable laboratory measurements.Complete pH measuring instrument with color display; Precise pH, mV and ORP measurements with integrated temperature display; Simple calibration with Metrohm, USA, and NIST buffers up to 3 points or by 2-point calibration with in-house buffers; Clearly structured display of the calibrated values using symbols for simple read-off; 3 stability criteria for measured value recognition for reliable results; GLP conformity of the measured values with embedded date and time; Overview of calibration data with monitoring function; RS232 port enables connection of a printer.; Included in the package are the 949 pH Meter, the electrode holder, and the power supply unit for immediate use in the laboratory.
949 pH Meter with SolitrodeThe 949 pH Meter is the perfect tabletop pH meter for quick and precise pH measurements. Ideal for laboratories, research institutes and industrial environments where pH analyses are performed regularly.Complete tabletop pH measuring instrument with color display; Measures pH, mV, and ORP with temperature display for comprehensive analyses; Simple pH calibration with Metrohm, USA, and NIST buffers up to 3 points or by user-defined 2-point calibration; Display of the calibrated values with symbols for clear readability; Signals measurement stability and offers the option of selecting between 3 stability criteria for reliable results; In conformance with GLP with embedded date and time; Display of calibration data and setting of the calibration deadline; Solitrode with stable plastic shaft for long-lasting use; Included in the package are the 949 pH Meter, the electrode holder, the power supply unit, and the Solitrode with Pt1000 with fixed cable for simple and immediate use.
2026 TitrolyzerThe 2026 Titrolyzer performs potentiometric titrations by means of a high precision burette system and high performance electrodes. Different titration types include acid/base, redox and precipitation titrations. A self-finding inflection point technique can be applied for most applications. It is also possible to use the analyzer to measure pH in situations where inline sensors would otherwise fail.Additionally, the 2026 Titrolyzer can perform the dynamic standard addition method by means of the high precision burette and high performance Ion Selective Electrodes (ISE). This method adapts the standard addition volume to the actual sample concentration by means of a dynamic differential approach. Moreover it takes into account ISE slope values over several ranges. This means that ISEs can be used to their ultimate low or high measuring ranges. An accompanying temperature measurement eliminates possible temperature effects on the analysis results.Several markets are a perfect fit for the 2026 Titrolyzer such as chemical, petrochemical, semiconductor, environmental, mining, steel/metal, and potable water.Selected applications include:Acidic or alkaline solutions; Chloride; Hydrogen peroxide; Hardness; Cyanide; Copper; Hydrogen fluoride; pH; and more;
Autolab PGSTAT302NThis high end, high current potentiostat/galvanostat, with a compliance voltage of 30 V and a bandwidth of 1 MHz, combined with our FRA32M module, is specially designed for electrochemical impedance spectroscopy.The PGSTAT302N is the successor of the popular PGSTAT30. The maximum current is 2 A, the current range can be extended to 20 A with the BOOSTER20A, the current resolution is 30 fA at a current range of 10 nA.
i-Raman Plus 785S Portable Raman SpectrometerThe i-Raman® Plus 785S is part of our award-winning series of i-Raman portable Raman spectrometers powered by our innovative intelligent spectrometer technology. Using a high-quantum-efficiency CCD array detector with TE cooling and high dynamic range, this portable Raman spectrometer delivers excellent performance with low noise, even at integration times of up to 30 minutes, making it possible to measure weak Raman signals. The i-Raman Plus 785S features the unique combination of wide spectral range and high resolution with configurations which allow measurements from 65 cm-1 to 3,350 cm-1. The system’s small footprint, lightweight design, and low power consumption ensure research-grade Raman analysis capabilities at any location. The i-Raman Plus is equipped with a fiber probe for easy sampling, and can be used with a cuvette holder, a video microscope, an XYZ positioning stage with a probe holder, as well as our proprietary BWIQ® multivariate analysis software and BWID® identification software. With the i-Raman Plus, you always have a high precision Raman solution for qualitative and quantitative analysis.
NanoRam-1064 Handheld Raman SpectrometerThe NanoRam-1064 is a high-performance handheld Raman Spectrometer for nondestructive identification and verification of incoming raw materials, such as APIs, excipients, and intermediates, regardless of their color. Compact and agile, the NanoRam-1064 can be used by non-technical users to rapidly identify samples in the warehouse, on the loading ramp, in the field or in the laboratory, minimizing quarantine areas and expediting materials through the manufacturing lifecycle. Utilizing Raman technology, the NanoRam-1064 minimizes fluorescence and can identify a large range of samples by distinguishing between different grades of cellulose, polysorbate and Opadry®. Rapid incoming material testing with the NanoRam-1064 can be performed through transparent containers, all the while maintaining sample volume and integrity. The unit also offers full onboard library and method validation, making a compliant workflow for methods and library development.The NanoRam is fully compliant with the US FDA 21 CFR Part 11 and Part 1040.10, and can play an integral role in cGMP-compliant facilities. The NanoRam-1064 meets the requirements of Raman spectroscopy methods including the US Pharmacopeia <858>, European Pharmacopeia 2.2.48, Japanese Pharmacopeia 2.26, as well as the People’s Republic of China Pharmacopeia Directives on Raman Spectroscopy. Raman is a recognized method for complying with the PIC/S & GMP directives regarding 100% identity assurance for starting materials. A complete range of training courses and support services is available, including IQ/OQ/PQ/DQ implementation services, as well as method and/or new library development support.
µStat ECL Electrochemiluminescence InstrumentμStat ECL is a portable BiPotentiostat/Galvanostat combined with a specific ElectroChemiLuminescence (ECL) Cell that performs Electrochemiluminescence studies with DropSens Screen-Printed Electrodes (SPEs). Electrochemical and Chemiluminescence responses are perfectly synchronized and shown in real time. The equipment can also be used independently as a Bipotentiostat/Galvanostat.
OMNIS Titrator with magnetic stirrer, without function licenseInnovative, modular potentiometric OMNIS Titrator for stand-alone operation or as the core of an OMNIS titration system. Thanks to 3S Liquid Adapter technology, handling chemicals is more secure than ever before. The titrator can be freely configured with measuring modules and cylinder units and can have a stirrer added as needed. Thanks to various software function licenses, various measuring modes and functionalities are possible. Control via PC or local network; Connection option for up to four additional titration or dosing modules for additional applications or auxiliary solutions; Connection option for one rod stirrer; Various cylinder sizes available: 5, 10, 20 or 50 mL; Liquid Adapter with 3S technology: Secure handling of chemicals, automatic transfer of the original reagent data of the manufacturerMeasuring modes and software options:; Endpoint titration: "Basic" function license; Endpoint and equivalence point titration (monotonic/dynamic): "Advanced" function license; Endpoint and equivalence point titration (monotonic/dynamic) with parallel titration: "Professional" function license;
Eco Titrator Acid/BaseThe compact Eco Titrator with integrated magnetic stirrer and touch-sensitive user interface is ideal for routine analysis. It provides GLP-compliant results with minimum space requirements at all times (approx. DIN A4).The Eco Titrator Acid/Base offers you the complete package for acid-base titration in aqueous solutions. Included in the package are titrators, a 20 mL cylinder unit, and a combined Ecotrode plus pH electrode.
- 410000040-A410000040-ASampling Guidelines for Handheld Raman Measurements – What You Need To Know
Handheld Raman is used for raw material testing of different sample types and forms. The use of optimized sampling accessories enhances the utility of handheld Raman without compromising data quality or complicating testing.
- 410000042-A410000042-AProper care and handling of fiber-optic cables
Fiber-optic cables are marvels of innovation for modern spectroscopic instrumentation. The advantages offered by fiber optical cable-based sampling include great flexibility for enabling measurements at various sample sites, ease of use, and flexibility for easy transportation. With this freedom however comes increased responsibility for care and maintenance of the associated fiber accessories to ensure the measurement quality and fiber durability.
- 410000043-A410000043-AHigh Throughput Large Spot Adaptor
Conventional Raman typically has a very small sampling area with a high power density (PD) at the laser focal point on the sample, which means that only a limited portion of a sample is measured, and the result tends to be irreproducible for heterogeneous sample. The high power density may also cause samples to heat up or burn. The large spot adaptor (LSA) for B&W Tek’s handheld Raman products, featuring a much larger sampling area of 4.5 mm in diameter, is designed to overcome these issues.
- 410000044-A410000044-AReduced Variable Multivariate Analysis for Material Identification with the NanoRam®-1064
The RVM method requires only a few spectra to make a model and can be quickly developed on the NanoRam-1064. Multivariate analysis of the Raman spectra on handheld Raman instruments provides more robust methodologies for identifying samples.
- 410000046-A410000046-AQTRam® for Content Uniformity Analysis of Low-Dose Pharmaceutical Tablets
In this note, we use a model drug, acetaminophen, to demonstrate the capability of QTRam® to quantify low concentrations of API in compressed tablets.QTRam® is a compact transmission Raman analyzer designed specifically for content uniformity analysis of pharmaceuticals in solid dosage forms.
- 410000047-A410000047-ANanoRam-1064 Fast Fact: Raw Material Verification of Cellulose and its Derivatives
Cellulose is a common naturally-derived raw excipient found in the majority of pharmaceutical products. Raw material testing is required to ensure that consumers are receiving quality cellulose and its derivatives. The NanoRam®-1064 is an asset for pharmaceutical identity testing, minimizing fluorescence generated by typical handheld Raman systems with 785 nm lasers. As such, the NanoRam®-1064 is used here to identify cellulose derivatives that would normally fluoresce with a 785 nm laser.
- 410000048-A410000048-AA-Mode: Customizable Library Capabilities for Advanced Users with the TacticID®-GP Plus Handheld Raman System
The TacticID®-GP Plus has multiple measurement modes to support safety and security users. A-Mode allows the user to create library Raman or SERS spectra customizable for spectral search range and hit quality index (HQI) threshold. A-mode is of beneficial use to forensics laboratories that would like to utilize expansion of SERS detection of designer drugs specific to their geographical regions or for food safety in perspective markets. In this example, A-Mode is used to create a SERS library of melamine to easily detect the presence of melamine in infant formula using a single indicator peak.
- 410000049-A410000049-ANanoRam®-1064 Fast Facts: Botanical Verification
Botanicals are derived from plant materials and used for their medicinal and therapeutic properties in the nutraceuticals market. They are not as heavily regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) like the pharmaceuticals drug market, but they are required to follow Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP Requirements).The NanoRam®-1064 is an asset for pharmaceutical identity testing, minimizing fluorescence generated by typical handheld Raman systems with 785 nm lasers. As such, the NanoRam®-1064 is used here to identify botanicals that would normally fluoresce with a 785 nm laser.
- 410000050-A410000050-AApplication Fast Fact Historic Stamp Inks
Stamps are cultural heritage objects that provide an invaluable amount of historical information. There is an increase of counterfeit historical inks and it is imperative that fraudulent stamps can be identified and removed from the market. The portable Raman i-Raman EX® with a 1064 nm laser is used because it minimizes the fluorescence of the ink. The i-Raman EX® also has the functionality of low laser power reduction down to 1% to prevent sample burning and the Raman video microscope system analyzes the smallest of details, which is imperative for cultural heritage analysis of an 1885 historical envelope.
- 410000051-BIdentification of microplastics with Raman microscopy
Research laboratories must expand their capabilities to routinely analyze candidate microplastics from environmental samples to determine their origin and help predict biological impacts. Spectroscopic techniques are well suited to polymer identification. Laboratory Raman spectroscopy is an alternative to confocal Raman microscopes and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) microscopes for quick identification of polymer materials. Raman microscopy was used to identify very small microplastic particles in this Application Note.
Vitbok: AOF – en summaparameter för icke-riktad screening av PFAS i vatten
Analysera adsorberbart organiskt fluor (AOF) i vatten snabbare och enklare med förbränningsjonkromatografi.
Eco Coulometer_Målsida
Ekonomisk kolometrisk Karl Fischer titrator för analys av låg fukthalt.
Hitta till oss
Vägbeskrivning för att hitta till Metrohms huvudkontor i Herisau, Schweiz.
Polymer ID verification in under two minutes
Hauff-Technik relies on the handheld Raman spectrometer MIRA XTR from Metrohm for fast and reliable ID verification of incoming polymer pellets.
Quality control of beer
Feldschloesschen AG uses a combined system of titration and ion chromatography instruments from Metrohm to perform their quality control analyses of beers.
Underwater archaeology and metal detection
The Hublot team uses Metrohm voltammetry instruments for underwater metal detection.
Technology triumph: Metrohm's steel industry impact
ArcelorMittal uses a process analyzer from Metrohm Process Analytics to monitor the quality of phosphate treatement and improve the efficiency of the process overall.
Aktuella erbjudanden
Automated analysis of water
The Laboratory of the Swiss Canton of Zurich uses OMNIS and TitrIC from Metrohm for fast, reliable, and reproducible drinking water analyses.
Spectroelectrochemistry with one instrument
The University of Burgos partnered up with Metrohm to create the first integrated spectroelectrochemistry instrument on the market.
Function license BRCFunction license for coulometric determination of the bromine index for one OMNIS Titrator
Function license Titration with one external dosing deviceFunction license for titration with an OMNIS Titration Module or OMNIS Dosing Module for one OMNIS Titrator
Function license for ion measurementFunction license for ion measurement (direct measurement and standard addition) with one OMNIS Titrator.
Function license MEAS CONDFunction license "conductivity measurement" for one OMNIS Titrator.
Function license for 2 parallel titrationsFunction license for a maximum of two parallel titrations using one OMNIS Titrator with an additional titration module or dosing module.
Function license for 5 parallel titrationsFunction license for a maximum of five parallel titrations using one OMNIS Titrator with additional Titration Modules or Dosing Modules.
Function license BasicFunction license "Basic" for one OMNIS Titrator Liquid Handling (LQH); MEAS U/T/pH; MEAS CONC (direct measurement and standard addition); Calibration (Cal); Endpoint titration without conditioning (SET); Titration with OMNIS Titration Module or OMNIS Dosing Module; Parallel dosing;
Function license AdvancedFunction license "Advanced" for one OMNIS Titrator Liquid Handling (LQH); MEAS U/T/pH; MEAS CONC (direct measurement and standard addition); Calibration (Cal); Endpoint titration without conditioning (SET); Monotonic equivalence point titration (MET); Dynamic equivalence point titration (DET); Titration with OMNIS Titration Module or OMNIS Dosing Module; Parallel dosing;
Function license ProfessionalFunction license "Professional" for one OMNIS Titrator Liquid Handling (LQH); MEAS U/T/pH; MEAS CONC (direct measurement and standard addition); Calibration (Cal); Endpoint titration without conditioning (SET); Monotonic equivalence point titration (MET); Dynamic equivalence point titration (DET); Titration with OMNIS Titration Module or OMNIS Dosing Module; Parallel dosing; Parallel titration;
Function license Thermometric TitratorFunction license "Thermometric Titrator" for the OMNIS TitratorContains the function modesThermometric Titration (TET); MEAS U/T/pH; Titration only with internal buret of an OMNIS Titrator;
Streptavidin modified Gold Nanostructured Screen-Printed Carbon ElectrodeStreptavidin modified Gold Nanostructured Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode
Graphene modified Screen-Printed Carbon ElectrodeGraphene modified Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode designed for the development of (bio) sensors with an enhanced electrochemical active area.
Graphene-Gold Nanoparticles modified Screen-Printed Carbon ElectrodeGraphene-Gold Nanoparticles modified Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode designed for the development of (bio) sensors with an enhanced electrochemical active area.
Graphene Oxide modified Screen-Printed Carbon ElectrodeGraphene Oxide modified Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode designed for the development of (bio) sensors with an enhanced electrochemical active area.
Mesoporous Carbon modified Screen-Printed Carbon ElectrodeMesoporous Carbon modified Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode designed for the development of (bio) sensors with an enhanced electrochemical active area.
Nickel Oxide modified Screen-Printed Carbon ElectrodeNickel Oxide modified Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode designed for the electrocatalytic oxidation of small organic molecules such as carbohydrates and alcohols.
Ordered Mesoporous Carbon modified Screen-Printed Carbon ElectrodeOrdered Mesoporous Carbon modified Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode designed for the development of (bio) sensors with an enhanced electrochemical active area.
Polyaniline modified Screen-Printed Carbon ElectrodePolyaniline modified Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode designed for the development of (bio) sensors with an enhanced electrochemical active area.
Core Quantum Dots CdSe modified Screen-Printed Carbon ElectrodeCore Quantum Dots CdSe modified Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode designed for the development of sensors with a different electrochemical active area. Also suitable to perform electrochemiluminescence experiments.
Reduced Graphene Oxide modified Screen-Printed Carbon ElectrodeReduced Graphene Oxide modified Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode designed for the development of (bio) sensors with an enhanced electrochemical active area.
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- 19 sep. 2022Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Raman spectroscopy: Theory and usage
Raman spectroscopy is a non-destructive analytical technique based on the inelastic scattering of photons related to the different vibrational modes of molecules. This article covers some of the most frequently asked questions about Raman spectroscopy regarding the theory behind it and how it can be used in practice.
- 14 nov. 2022How to utilize grounding modes in electrochemical experiments
The ability to ground different electrodes may offer electrochemists some advantages over the typical working electrode setup. For example, the grounded counter electrode can be used in non-conventional systems where the solutions or the working electrodes are not isolated electrically. The selectable floating feature of VIONIC gives users the flexibility to choose the ground state of the cell setup, offering even greater experimental possibilities.
- 23 jan. 2023MIRA and IBEX: Out of the lab and into the unknown
Securing dangerous sites is the ultimate goal in any sensitive site exploitation (SSE) directive. Military personnel, first responders, and Hazmat specialists must be prepared to find anything while working, and they require tools that inform and protect them from hazards in the field. Metrohm has the ultimate solution – IBEX, a quadrupedal robot equipped with a standoff Raman spectrometer (MIRA XTR DS) and a suite of environmental sensors.
- 6 mars 2023Protecting IC systems with Metrohm Inline Ultrafiltration and Inline Dialysis
An efficient way to prepare samples for IC analysis is by using Metrohm Inline Sample Preparation (MISP) techniques to automate the process. Either Metrohm Inline Ultrafiltration (UF) or Inline Dialysis can be used to safeguard the IC system from harmful matrix components while simultaneously reducing manual labor and increasing sample throughput.
- 1 maj 2023Easily measuring ORP values in real-life applications
The ORP kit from Metrohm DropSens is handy, reliable, and easy to use for reproducible measurement of oxidation-reduction potential in various situations. The multitude of requirements from several industries that must measure ORP fit perfectly with the advantages gained when using screen-printed electrodes and miniaturized instruments, including portability, accessibility, disposability, small sample sizes, and reliability.
- 26 juni 2023Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Raman spectroscopy: Applications
Raman spectroscopy is a ubiquitous tool that can be used for many different purposes. This blog article answers some frequently asked questions about the suitability of Raman spectroscopy for various applications.
- 16 okt. 2023Applying USP validated methods for separation column equivalency
The modernization of USP Monographs now permits a broader selection of separation columns for pharmaceutical analysis using ion chromatography (IC). Column equivalency studies enable the use of alternative analytical columns without needing complicated method validation procedures. This benefits pharma researchers by saving time and effort while maintaining the accuracy and reliability of analytical results in accordance with validated methods.
- 8 jan. 2024NIR vs IR: What is the difference?
Near-infrared and infrared spectroscopy use different spectral ranges of light, which results in a difference of the required sample size, penetration of the light into the sample, and spectral information. Learn why NIR spectroscopy has many advantages over IR with regards to speed and versatility.
- 15 jan. 2024Pulp and paper QC and product screening with NIR spectroscopy
Paper products are primarily made from treated wood fibers processed through pulp and paper mills. This involves significant chemical use and energy consumption. Ensuring quality control throughout the production chain, from timber to the final paper product, is crucial. This blog article shows how near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) effectively monitors multiple key quality control parameters simultaneously during pulp and paper manufacturing.
- 11 mars 2024High-frequency EIS: a powerful tool for the future of mobility
Electrochemical characterization of solid-state batteries can be difficult. Using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) at high frequencies helps capture rapid processes.
Metrosep A Supp 16 - 250/4.0The Metrosep A Supp 16 is ideal for high-capacity separation problems and distinguishes itself with its outstanding resolution, even with complex separation problems. The Metrosep A Supp 16 separation column is based on a surface-functionalized polystyrene-divinylbenzene copolymer. The functional groups are bonded covalently. This and the surface structure of the anion exchanger results in unique selectivity. The high-capacity Metrosep A Supp 16 is used for solving complex problems.The Metrosep A Supp 16 - 250/4.0 is characterized by outstanding resolution and solves the most difficult separation problems. The column is very well-suited for monitoring electroplating baths. Traces of anions can be determined in concentrated acids. Utilization in food analysis for the determination of maltose derivatives is just one more of the numerous applications of the high-capacity Metrosep A Supp 16 - 250/4.0.
Metrosep A Supp 16 - 100/2.0In the case of the Microbore version of the Metrosep A Supp 16 - 100, lower flows are applied through the smaller inner diameter. Eluent consumption is reduced drastically as a result. The dwell time of the ions in the detector becomes longer and the sensitivity or the peak area (with the same sample quantity) is increased accordingly. The Microbore separation columns are used together with the MSM-LC. The 2 mm Metrosep A Supp 16 separation columns are packed with the same material as the corresponding 4 mm separation columns. The short version of this column type enables extremely rapid separations.The column is well-suited to applications with a high ionic load but which require only relatively low resolution. With its low eluent flow, this column is particularly suitable for IC-MS coupling.
Metrosep A Supp 16 - 150/2.0The Microbore version of the Metrosep A Supp 16 - 150 is well-suited to medium-capacity separation problems. Eluent consumption is drastically reduced as a result of the smaller inner diameter of this column type and the correspondingly lower flows. As a result of the lower flows, the dwell time of the anions in the detector, and thus also the peak areas with identical sample quantities, are increased. The Microbore separation columns are used together with the MSM-LC. The 2 mm Metrosep A Supp 16 separation columns are packed with the same material as the corresponding 4 mm separation columns. The medium version of this column type is used for universal applications.The column is very well-suited to applications that have a high ionic load but that do not require the highest resolution. With its low eluent flow, this column is particularly suitable for IC-MS coupling.
Metrosep A Supp 16 - 250/2.0The Microbore version of the Metrosep A Supp 16 - 250/2.0 is well-suited to high-capacity separation problems. Lower flows are applied due to the smaller inner diameter of this column type. Eluent consumption is reduced drastically as a result. The dwell time of the ions in the detector becomes longer and the sensitivity or the peak area (with the same sample quantity) is increased accordingly. The Microbore separation columns are used together with the MSM-LC. The 2 mm Metrosep A Supp 16 separation columns are packed with the same material as the corresponding 4 mm separation columns. It is based on a surface-functionalized polystyrene-divinylbenzene copolymer. The functional groups are bonded covalently. The morphology of the anion exchanger results in unique selectivity. The high-capacity Metrosep A Supp 16 - 250/2.0 is used for solving complex problems.The Metrosep A Supp 16 - 250/2.0 is characterized by outstanding resolution and solves the most difficult separation problems. With its low eluent flow, this column is particularly suitable for IC-MS coupling.
Hamilton PRP-X100 - 125/4.0The Hamilton PRP-X100 - 125/4.0 IC anion column is a robust separation column based on a polystyrene-divinylbenzene copolymer. It is especially suited for separation of chloride, nitrate, and sulfate without chemical suppression. Fluoride can also be determined if the cations are removed first with an H+ cartridge. The Hamilton PRP-X100 - 125/4.0 is also the separation column of choice for the determination of silicate. The column excels with a very good price-performance ratio.
Hamilton PRP-X100 - 250/4.0The Hamilton PRP-X100 - 250/4.0 IC anion column is a robust separation column based on a polystyrene-divinylbenzene copolymer. It is mainly used with difficult matrices, e.g., dyes.
Super-Sep - 100/4.6In addition to the analysis of standard anions without chemical suppression, this column can be used for a variety of special applications. The Super-Sep - 100/4.6 IC anion column can be used for successful phosphate detection with alkaline eluent. Formate, acetate and fluoride can be separated with suitable eluents. Overall, it is a column with very good separating efficiency.
Metrosep Dual 4 - 100/4.6The Metrosep Dual 4 separation columns are based on a functionalized Monolith based on silica gel. The Monolith permits an eluent flow of up to 5 mL/min. Despite the high flow, the column is characterized by low backpressure. In contrast to traditional materials, the Monolith has a much larger surface due to its structure of macropores and mesopores. This contributes to the high column capacity with simultaneously very low dead volume.The Metrosep Dual 4 - 100/4.6 is suitable for a great number of applications. All standard anions can thus be separated in less than nine minutes. The high column capacity makes it largely insensitive to matrix influences. Even in a matrix of 3 g/L chloride, carbonate and sulfate, 0.5 µg/L perchlorate can be detected. The column is therefore used in perchlorate analysis in accordance with EPA standard 314.
Metrosep A Supp 1 - 250/4.6The Metrosep A Supp 1 - 250/4.6 is a universal anion column that is characterized by medium capacity and special selectivity. With this column it is possible to process samples with great differences in concentrations. For example, 4 µg/L of sulfate can be determined in a solution containing 150 g/L sodium chloride. An additional advantage is that bromide does not elute until after the nitrate. Particularly in the area of oxohalide analysis, the A Supp 1 - 250/4.6 impresses with its outstanding separation properties. Pressure fluctuations, constantly changing eluents and large sample throughput do not influence the separating efficiency of this column, even after very long periods. It is the "workhorse" for development and routine laboratories.
Metrosep A Supp 3 - 250/4.6The Metrosep A Supp 3 - 250/4.6 solves separation problems in aqueous and organic media. It can be used reliably with a wide range of eluents – even those with high proportions of organic solvents. With the Metrosep A Supp 3 - 250/4.6, samples which present a great analytical challenge can be analyzed in routine operation, for example the measurement of biological samples or the determination of inorganic anions in organic matrices. With the help of a sodium hydroxide gradient, polyphosphates can be reliably separated on the Metrosep A Supp 3 - 250/4.6. In isocratic operation, the column is also suitable for separating sulfite, sulfate and thiosulfate in less than 20 minutes.
Cable connector for Dual Screen-Printed ElectrodesConnects DropSens Dual Screen-Printed Electrodes to any kind of potentiostat. Recommended when working in batch or flow analysis.
Raman Video Micro-Sampling System (532/785 nm dual)Video microscope sampling system for use with B&W Tek's lab and industrial Raman probes. Includes a 20x objective at a working distance of 16 mm. Offers manual rough and fine adjustment on the X, Y and Z-axes, coaxial LED illuminator for target alignment, video camera for sample observation, and is compatible with standard microscope objectives. Probe not included, available separately. Dual 532/785 nm configuration.BAC151C-532/785
Flow Cell in Teflon for Interdigitated ElectrodesTeflon wall-jet Flow-Cell for FIA. Suitable to be used with IDE electrodes ref. G-IDEAU10, G-IDEAU5, G-IDEPT10, G-IDEPT5, G-IDECONAU10 and G-IDECONPT10. Closing system with powerful magnets. Fittings included.
Graphene OxideGraphene oxide prepared by a modification of the Hummer's method. This yields a material with a significant number of oxygen-containing functional groups which assures homogeneous colloidal suspensions in polar solvents without addition of any surfactant. - Available in 0.1 gr and 1.0 gr.
Raman Video Micro-Sampling System (1064 nm)Video microscope sampling system for use with B&W Tek's lab and industrial Raman probes. Includes a 20x objective at a working distance of 16 mm. Offers manual rough and fine adjustment on the X, Y, and Z-axes, coaxial LED illuminator for target alignment, video camera for sample observation, and is compatible with standard microscope objectives. Probe not included, available separately. 1,064 nm configuration.BAC151C-1064
Cable connector for Screen-Printed Electrodes/Plastic SubstrateConnects DropSens Screen-Printed Electrodes over Plastic Substrate with any kind of potentiostat
Flow Cell for Work in Solution Screen-Printed ElectrodesMethacrylate wall-jet Flow-Cell for FIA. Suitable to be used with work in solution format Screen-Printed Electrodes with the electrochemical cell at the end of the strip. Closing system with powerful magnets. Fittings included.
Multi-Walled Carbon NanotubesMulti-Walled Carbon Nanotubes grown by CVD process purified to more than 95%.
Raman Cuvette Holder for 12 mm measurement probeThe BCR100A Raman cuvette holder allows you to easily measure Raman spectrum of liquids and powders by attaching a Raman probe to the holder. This accessory part uses an internal mirror with a three-point precision locking mechanism for unmatched reproducibility, thereby increasing the Raman signal up to 3x higher than conventional cuvette holders. It is designed so that the probe shaft does not directly contact the cuvette and includes a light trap to reduce background fluorescence. The BCR100A is available in model versions for probes with a diameter of 9.5 mm or 12 mm and can be used with any standard cuvette with 12.5 mm x 12.5 mm outer diameter (1 cm path length) for sampling liquids or powders. BCR100A-12 mm cuvette holder for liquid samples for use with the RIS100 series shaft with 12 mm diameter. Probe not included in scope of delivery.
Cable connector for Interdigitated Electrodes/Glass SubstrateConnects DropSens Interdigitated Electrodes over Glass Substrate with any kind of potentiostat
- Guide för jonkromato...Guide för jonkromatografi
Information om hur man rengör förbränningsröret i Metrohm jonkromatografisystem med förbränning.
- Förbereda reaktionsk...Förbereda reaktionskärlet
Information om hur du förbereder reaktionskärlet inför dina stabilitetsmätningar.
- Förbereda mätkärlet...Förbereda mätkärlet
Information om hur du förbereder mätkärlet inför dina stabilitetsmätningar. Vanliga frågor och svar på ytterligare frågor om din konduktivitetsmätcellen..
- Stabilitetsmätning -...Stabilitetsmätning - Vanliga frågor
Hitta svar på vanliga frågor om stabilitetsmätning: från allmänna frågor till applikationssrelaterade eller frågor som gäller hårdvaran.
- Regelbundet underhål...Regelbundet underhåll
Information om hur du underhåller ditt instrument för stabilitetsmätning, t.ex. när du ska byta ut dammfilter och molekylsikt.
- Laboratory Raman software
Download the latest software versions of BWSpec, BWID, MISA Cal, and Vision.
- Metrohm IC Driver 2.2 for Empower
The Metrohm IC Driver 2.2 for Empower 3 enables the integration of Metrohm IC instruments in the software Empower 3 from Waters. Learn about the compatibility with Windows OS and find more information in applications notes.
- MagIC Net
Find information on compatibility and download the MagIC Net ion chromatography software as well as language packs.
- StabNet
Hitta information om kompatibilitet och ladda ner StabNet-programvaran för Rancimat- och Thermomat-instrumenten för stabilitetsmätning samt språkpaket.
- OMNIS Hjälppaket
Ladda ner tillägg och språkpaket för OMNIS-hjälpen i laboratorieprogramvaran Metrohm OMNIS.
- 6 sep. 2023Analysis of impurities in pharmaceuticals using ion chromatography
An upcoming webinar on October 4, 2023, explores why IC can be the analytical tool of choice to meet authorities' requirements and in defining effective strategies to comply with these regulations.
- 25 sep. 2023Launch of Metrohm Comprehensive Raman Library
Metrohm is pleased to introduce the new Metrohm Comprehensive Raman Library. This complete collection of over >16,200 substances simplifies material identification for customers in diverse industries and broadens applications for handheld and laboratory Raman.
- MIRA XTR DS handheld...15 sep. 2021MIRA XTR DS handheld Raman spectrometer
Det nya MIRA XTR DS Raman-systemet för materialidentifiering av kemikalier under undersökningar av känsliga platser och för improviserade sprängladdningar samt potenta syntetiska opioider som fentanyl.
- 15 mars 2022NIR-spektroskopi – Upptäck en snabbare lösning för kvalitetskontroll och produktscreening av polymerer
Kvalitetskontroll och/eller produktscreening av polymerer kräver vanligtvis flera olika teknologier för att bestämma kritiska parametrar såsom densitet, gränsviskositet, hydroxylvärde, smältflödesindex med mera. I vårt webbseminarium den 6 april 2022 presenterar vi NIR-spektroskopi (NIRS), som är ett mycket effektivare alternativ: bestäm flera fysikaliska och kemiska parametrar med bara en analys på mindre än en minut – utan att någon provförberedelse behövs innan analysen .
- 31 mars 2022Enkel analys av tiomersal med hjälp av voltametri eller polarografi
Tiomersal är en organisk molekyl som innehåller kvicksilver. Den har använts i stor utsträckning som konserveringsmedel för vacciner och ögondroppar. För att minimera risken för konsumenterna begränsar myndigheterna kvicksilverhalten. Voltametri eller polarografi erbjuder en enkel och exakt bestämning av spårmängder av kvicksilver utan föregående provberedning.
- 26 apr. 2022Metrohm DropSens presenterar ett flerkanaligt instrument för att öka användarupplevelsen
Metrohm DropSens presenterar µStat-i MultiX för flexibel, fri och avancerad elektrokemisk analys. Detta instrument är tillägnat fleranvändare och multidisciplinära laboratorieforskarteam som letar efter en lösning som täcker deras nuvarande och framtida behov.
- 18 okt. 2022Launch of Metrohm AeRosol Sampler "MARS"
The Metrohm AeRosol Sampler «MARS» is a device used to capture particles in an air flow and dissolve the soluble constituents in a steam jet for further analysis.
- 12 okt. 2022Quality control of medical cannabis in less than 30 seconds
A free webinar explains how near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) can be utilized for rapid, non-destructive product screening on various cannabis products, including cannabis oils, waxes, tinctures, and hemp.
- 16 jan. 2023Metrohm launches new systems for microbore ion chromatography
«Going microbore» means that users of Metrohm IC can now save up to 75% of eluent compared to 4-mm standardbore systems while increasing the sensitivity of their analytics by up to 20%.
- 21 feb. 2023Tips and tricks for Karl Fischer water determination using the oven method
A free joint webinar with Honeywell on March 15 presents the benefits of the Karl Fischer oven method. The oven method is the solution for matrices that cannot be analyzed by direct Karl Fischer titration because they release the contained moisture only very slowly, only at high temperatures, because they are poorly soluble in KF solvents, or because they undergo side reactions with the KF reagent.
- 8.000.51358.000.5135Brochure: Short instructions for the maintenance of your Metrohm ion chromatograph
This flyer describes the basic conditions for a perfect operation of your Metrohm ion chromatograph. The most important maintenance steps are listed in the form of a guideline that answers the following questions:Which components require maintenance?; Which maintenance steps are required for this?; How often should maintenance be performed?;
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- 8.000.51398.000.5139Brochure: Pharmaceutical analysis – Quality control of pharmaceuticals
Authorities around the globe hold the pharmaceutical industry to very high standards of drug quality and safety. The standards are documented in official collections of recognized pharmaceutical rules in pharmacopoeias. They provide a legal consumer protection framework for ensuring that drugs are used safely. Measurement and testing procedures used in the context of drug testing identify drugs and determine whether they can be released. Reliable instruments and methods are required in order to guarantee these strict quality and safety standards. As a leading manufacturer of instruments for chemical analysis, we are well aware of these challenges. On the following pages, discover the solutions Metrohm offers the pharmaceuticals industry in general, and you in particular, to ensure the quality and safety of your products.
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- 8.000.51418.000.5141Brochure: Water analysis – Quality assurance of water
Water is the source and basis for all life. In the context of quality control and risk evaluation, effective and inexpensive instruments and methods are in demand in the water laboratory that are suited to the ever more complex array of contaminants, the increasing sample throughput and the decreasing detection limits. On the following pages, discover the analytic solutions Metrohm offers for water analysis in general, and you in particular, for ensuring the quality and safety of your work.
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- 8.000.51428.000.5142Brochure: Wastewater analysis in treatment plants
Metrohm offers you professional support for wastewater analysis in treatment plants. Our systems save you time and money.Chemical oxygen demand (COD) by titration:automatic addition of all necessary reagents; up to 40 samples can be analyzed fully automatically; Anions and cations by ion chromatography:simultaneous determination of anions and cations; flexible sample changer; Inline Ultrafiltration or Inline Dialysis;
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- 8.000.51568.000.5156Brochure: Metrohm Process Analytics
The brand "Metrohm Process Analytics" offers several analytical instruments for online, inline, or atline intregration of titration, spectroscopy, electrochemistry, ion chromatography, photometry, and ion-selective measurements.
- 8.000.51588.000.5158Brochure: 2035 Process Analyzer – Multi-purpose analyzer for the online monitoring of industrial processes and waste waters
Metrohm Process Analytics presents the 2035 Process Analyzer, a complete system for the monitoring ofindustrial processes, water and waste water. With the 2035 Process Analyzer, you keep critical chemical parameters for your process in view, around the clock, 365 days a year. It makes no difference here whether it is just one or more than one sample flows that need to be monitored, the 2035 Process Analyzer enables both.
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- 8.000.51608.000.5160Brochure: Water determination according to Karl Fischer with MATi 10 – Complete system for fully automated,volumetric Karl Fischer titration
The present brochure contains interesting information on MATi 10. MATi 10 (MATi = Metrohm Automated Titration) is a fully automated complete system for water content determination using volumetric Karl Fischer titration. The advantages of the MATi 10 can be found in this brochure.
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- 8.000.51618.000.5161Water determination according to Karl Fischer with MATi 4 – Complete system for fully automated, coulometric Karl Fischer titration
The present brochure contains interesting information on MATi 4. MATi 4 (MATi = Metrohm Automated Titration) is a fully automated titration system for water content determination using coulometric Karl Fischer titration. This brochure describes the advantages of MATi 4.
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- 8.000.51628.000.5162Water determination according to Karl Fischer with MATi 11 – Complete system for fully automated, volumetric Karl Fischer titration, including sample preparation
The present brochure contains information on MATi 11. MATi 11 (MATi = Metrohm Automated Titration) is a fully automated titration system for water content determination using volumetric Karl Fischer titration.This brochure describes the advantages of MATi 11.
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- 8.000.51638.000.5163Brochure: Cation suppression in ion chromatography – Cation determination in the trace range
Trace analyses of cations, amines, and transition metals can be run with or withoutsuppression. The version with suppression offers advantages, particularly in the case of applications that require exceptionally high detection sensitivity, because it considerably lowers the detection limits for the analytes in question. The present brochure presents advantages, typical applications and application examples for cation suppression in IC.
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