Provpreparering för KF Titrando coulometrar: Systemen
Solutions for sample preparation when samples cannot be titrated directly.
Polytron PT 1300 D
Polytron PT 1300 D - Metrohm versionHomogenizer that can be controlled directly by OMNIS Software, tiamo™ or Touch Control.The Polytron PT 1300 D is comprised of a control unit and a drive. The coupling system on the drive permits simple and rapid replacement of the aggregates without additional tools.Solid samples can be pulverized without difficulty. However the instrument is also highly suitable for ensuring thorough mixing in viscous samples.
860 KF Thermoprep
The 860 KF Thermoprep is designed for thermal sample preparation in Karl Fischer titration.Numerous substances cannot be analysed by direct Karl Fischer titration as they are not soluble, react with the Karl Fischer reagent or release their water only very slowly or not until heated to high temperatures. Using tightly sealed sample vials, the sample is inserted in the oven. The samples can be subsequently analysed by any volumetric or coulometric KF titrator.
874 Oven Sample Processor
The 874 Oven Sample Processor is used for automatic thermal sample preparation in Karl Fischer titration. The oven method is particularly suitable for samples that do not release their water until higher temperatures have been reached, for sparingly soluble samples, or those that react with the KF reagent.
874 Oven Sample Processor special vials
The 874 Oven Sample Processor is used for automatic thermal sample preparation in Karl Fischer titration. The oven method is particularly suitable for samples that do not release their water until higher temperatures have been reached, for sparingly soluble samples, or those that react with the KF reagent.This instrument can be modified to match customer-specific sample vessels. Please contact your Metrohm representative for further information.
885 Compact Oven Sample Changer
The 885 Compact Oven Sample Changer is used for thermal sample preparation in Karl Fischer titration. In the oven the samples can be heated up to 250°C. The moisture contained in the sample evaporates and is transported by a dry carrier gas into the titration cell, where the analysis takes place.
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