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Hyphenation of ion chromatography and mass spectrometry

Higher sensitivity and selectivity of your IC analysis

Ion chromatography systems from Metrohm are known for their robust design, accurate results, and excellent performance. When higher sensitivity and selectivity are needed for the analysis of carbohydrates, organic acids, and other ionic substances, the ion chromatographs can be coupled with mass spectrometers (IC-MS, IC-MS/MS) or inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometers (IC-ICP/MS, IC-ICP/MS/MS).

Metrohm IC and mass spectrometers – Your benefits

  • Metrohm suppressor technology for increased sensitivity, excellent performance, minimal noise, and low running costs
  • Patented, automated inline sample preparation techniques (MISP) for faster and reproducible results
  • Swiss quality with 3-year instrument warranty and 10-year warranty on the anion suppressor
  • Universal compatibility with software from e.g., Agilent and Waters™
  • Single software solution for OpenLab CDS (Agilent) and Empower™ CDS (Waters™) for single quadrupole MS
  • Single software solution for ICP-MS MassHunter (Agilent) for single and triple quadrupole ICP-MS devices
  • Global service and support

IC Drivers for common Chromatography Data Systems (CDS)

Metrohm IC drivers for OpenLab CDS (Agilent) and Empower™ CDS (Waters™) as a single-software solution ensure easy operation of the analytical instruments. The choice is yours: Instrument control, data acquisition, and data handling can be performed with OpenLab CDS, Empower™, or with the combination of our proprietary MagIC Net software and another specific MS software.

For more information, download the brochures:

Brochure: IC Driver for Agilent OpenLab CDS (8.102.5007, PDF, 1.1 MB)

Brochure: Metrohm meets Empower 3 (8.102.5004, PDF, 200 KB)

Brochure: MagIC Net (8.102.5008, PDF, 1 MB)

IC Driver for ICP-MS MassHunter

The Metrohm IC driver for ICP-MS MassHunter (Agilent) as a single-software solution ensures easy operation of the analytical instruments. Instrument control, data acquisition, and data handling can be performed within ICP-MS MassHunter.

For more information, download the brochure:

Brochure: IC Driver for ICP-MS MassHunter Software (8.000.5496, PDF, 1.25 MB)

Ion Chromatography Mass Spectrometry

Ion Chromatography Mass Spectrometry is a robust and easy-to-use technique for the determination of analytes such as inorganic anions, organic acids, haloacetic acids, oxyhalides, or alkaline earth metals. Adding Metrohm Inline Sample Preparation (MISP) to the analysis allows not only water samples, but also chemicals, organic solvents, or post-explosion residues to be readily analyzed.

With IC-MS:

  • peaks can be verified with two complimentary detection techniques
  • molecules and fragments can be quantified
  • unknown substances can be identified

Download the brochure and white papers to learn more:

Brochure: A strong combination: IC-MS (8.000.5250, PDF, 1 MB)

White paper: Simple determination of haloacetic acids (HAAs) in potable water with ion chromatography hyphenated to mass spectrometry (WP-075, PDF, 2.5 MB)

White paper: Measuring inorganic cations and amines with ion chromatography mass spectrometry (IC-MS) (WP-082, PDF, 2.9 MB)

White paper: Measuring organic acids and inorganic anions with ion chromatography mass spectrometry (WP-086, PDF, 3.1 MB)

Learn more about Ion Chromatography Mass Spectrometry

Download your copy here

This free white paper explains the benefits of IC-MS over IC in certain cases, the hyphenation of IC and different MS systems, as well as related norms and standards.

Ion Chromatography Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry

Ion Chromatography Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry combines the selectivity of ion chromatography with the elemental selectivity and sensitivity of a high-end mass detector. The result is a powerful instrumental tool to handle trace elemental speciation, one of the most challenging analytical task, e.g., in environmental analysis, water quality control, pharmaceutical, and medical analysis, as well as the food and beverage industry.  

Learn more about Ion Chromatography Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry

Download your copy here

This free white paper gives a detailed introduction to IC-ICP/MS and presents various applications such as the analysis of chromium, iodine, selenium, and much more.

Hyphenated techniques for IC

Metrohm offers sophisticated sampling and sample preparation systems as well as multiparameter analysis with the combination of Metrohm IC and titration or voltammetry.

Learn more about hyphenated techniques from Metrohm

Application notes for IC

Our IC experts have compiled more than 900 application notes. Browse the Application Finder to learn more.

Go to Application Finder