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Rotating Ring Disk Electrode

Rotating Ring Disk Electrode


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The Autolab RRDE is a low-noise rotating ring disk electrode that can be used to perform electrochemical measurements under controlled hydrodynamic conditions. The ring and disk electrode assembly provides the means to detect reaction intermediates in situ through collection experiments.

The Autolab RRDE uses 2 identical friction-less mercury contacts for low noise measurements and can be used with any Autolab potentiostat/galvanostat fitted with the BA, dual-mode bipotentiostat module.

The rotation speed of the RRDE is controlled manually with the button on the front of the motor control unit. The RRDE can also be controlled remotely with the Autolab software.  The rotation speed can be varied continuously between 100 and 10,000 rpm with a resolution of 1 rpm.